“What?” I grin back at her, “Afraid of a little gunfire?”

As I tease Romola, a sudden explosion rocks the ground beneath our feet, sending tremors through the air. The chaos intensifies as flames erupt in the distance.

“It’s our men,” I explain. “They’re using their grenades.”

“At last,” Agostino comments.

“They must be using it as a distraction,” Romola observes, noticing how Fiero’s men are dispersing toward the cause of the commotion. “But for what?”

“Our getaway car might be here, the one I called for,” I comment. I look around, and away from the chaos, I spot a car parked not too far away, partially hidden from view.

"Follow me," I yell to Romola and Agostino, grabbing their hands and leading them towards the car.

Just then, a bullet comes toward us, hitting a tree we were right in front of. “Duck,” Romola yells as we scramble hunched over. Bullets are flying around us again, but my men are doing their best to keep us safe.

"Over there! To the left!" I direct, spotting a potential empty route that leads toward the outer walls of the compound where our car is. "Stay low and move fast!"

We sprint across the open road, ducking behind parked cars and ducking for cover as the deafening sound of gunfire continues to rain down upon us.

"Almost there," I whisper to Romola, our breaths ragged and heavy from running for our lives. "Just a little further."

With one final surge of strength, we reach the safety of the other side. My men continue to hold off Fiero's forces.

The deafening roar of engines fills the air as we approach the sleek, black cars waiting for us. Their headlights pierce through the darkness. Smoke and gunfire continue to cloud the night, and I can't afford to let my guard down now, not even when we get in the car.

"You both get in!" My voice slices through the sounds of battle with urgency. They follow my instructions without hesitation, even amidst this hellish scene.

Once I get in behind them, I shout to the chauffeur. “Drive!”

"Vehicles one and three, stay close. Two and four, hang back to pick up the others," I ordered my men in the other vehicles through the radio.

"Si, Capo," comes the reply.

Romola grips the edge of her seat beside me as we pull away from the curb with screeching tires, the sound of ongoing gunfire echoing in my ears.,.

"Rafaele, they're still coming!" Agostino shouts from his seat as he stares out of the window at the back, worry evident in his voice.

"Let them come," I reply. "They'll soon learn not to mess with us."

In the rearview mirror, I catch glimpses of our pursuers – Fiero's men, their faces twisted with rage and vengeance. But it doesn’t intimidate me. My car weaves through the narrow streets, pushed to its limits, every turn calculated and precise.

But the relentless pursuit continues, Fiero's men closing in faster than before.

Chapter 10


My heart races like a wild river as our car swerves sharply to the left. Bullets rain down around us like lethal hailstones, their metallic taste thick in the air that is entering through the air vents. I grip the edge of my seat, struggling to keep my composure as fear threatens to make me lose control.

"Romola!" my father yells, his voice trembling with terror. "I should not have brought you here!"

"Stay calm, Papà!" I shout back, trying to sound braver than I feel. "Rafaele's men are with us. They'll protect us."

As if on cue, a black SUV pulls up alongside our car, its tinted windows hiding the armed men inside. I can sense their presence, their unfaltering loyalty to keeping their Capo safe at any cost. The comforting thought steadies my nerves, allowing me to focus on the task at hand, which, at this point, happens to be my father.

"Remember what Rafaele said," I look at my father, trying to convey calmness through my voice. His knuckles are white from clasping the handle above the door, and beads of sweat dot his furrowed brow. "We need to trust his people. They know what they're doing."

"Let's hope he’s a man whose word can be trusted," my father replies grimly, ducking his head between his legs as another round of bullets flies past the car. "Because if not, we're as good as dead."