Chapter 8


"Leave Romola out of your games, Rafaele, please," Serafina jumps up from her seat, her colorful skirt billowing around her ankles. The beads adorning her attire jingle like warning bells as she strides to come and stand between us.

“I can find you another team suited to your task.”

I glance over at Serafina, who seems worried. Although I appreciate her looking out for us, I am also annoyed at being left out of this discussion. After all, I've been working hard to prove myself, to show that I'm more than just the daughter of a skilled thief – that I, too, have what it takes.

The truth is that my father is getting on in years, and his health is declining. He deserves to retire, but that is an unattainable dream, given our measly earnings from the bakery. Rafaele’s words have given me hope. If we could buy new equipment and hire more help, we would take this job!

"Thank you, Serafina, but I can handle it," I say quietly, not wanting to undermine her in front of everyone, yet wanting to make it clear that I'm committed to going ahead with this mission.

Serafina looks at me, her eyes searching mine. She mouths a silent ‘No,’ giving me a fierce look, daring me to defy her. I feel my initial excitement wavering.

When we both look back at Rafaele, there’s a stern look on his face. “Stay out of this, Serafina, or as you well may know, I could make your pitiful little life miserable.”

Tension fills the air. As my father takes a step forward, I see Rafaele reaching into his coat. He’s carrying a firearm! I clasp my hands together behind my back, trying to steady my nerves. I don’t like the way this man is threatening Serafina, and I don’t like the feeling that there’s more to this mission than either of them is willing to tell us.

I lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Serafina, I’d like to hear out this,” and here I look him up and down with a critical gaze, “signore’s proposal.”

"Ok," Serafina concedes, her voice strained. She glances in my direction, her eyes filled with concern that she tries to mask. “You need to trust your own intuition. ”

My mind is already trying to decipher the unspoken words lingering between my dear friend and this powerful man. What could possibly make this mission so dangerous that Serafina would risk angering him?

"Father and I will decide together," I assure her. Though, as I look warmly at my father, I can feel uncertainty creeping up my spine like tendrils of ivy.

"Good." Rafaele nods, seemingly satisfied with our agreement. He sits down in a chair and leans back in it, steepling his fingers together. "So, you’re in?” he looks at my father and I.

“We could be,” I say non-committedly before my father can answer. "But first, we need to know what you’re expecting of us in exchange for this generous offer.”

His eyes narrow as though he wants to see straight into my soul. “Fine,” he nods. “What I share with you can never leave this room, regardless of your decision. If even a single soul outside of this group hears about this, I guarantee you that I will learn of it and that the consequences won’t be pretty. Understood?”

As he speaks, he retrieves the gun from the inside pocket of his jacket, laying it on the table next to the crystal ball. A clear warning.

"Si signore," I reply steadily. I look over at Serafina, who squeezes my hand in silent support. My father, with a trembling hand, pulls out a chair for himself and takes a seat next to where Serafina stands.

The space seems to close in on me. It is airless—like a tomb. Rafaele looks at us, one by one, with the intensity of a snake charmer.

"You see, there’s this diamond,” his voice is low and reverent, his eyes turning dreamy. "It's not just any gemstone; it’s so rare and beautiful that the world has never seen anything like it. It’s the largest known diamond in the world, at least to those who know of it. It’s been lost for thousands of years. There are no records of its existence, of where it came from and where it went. You, along with billions of people in the world, would never have heard of it. It is, to those who know of it, just a legend."

I find myself leaning in, drawn by the magnetic pull of this mysterious diamond.

"What does it have to do with you – with us?" I ask, unable to hide the tremor in my voice.

Rafaele hesitates for a moment, his eyes searching mine as if weighing whether to reveal his secrets. "I cannot say too much, but know this: I am certain that this diamond irrevocably exists. It has been sought after by many powerful individuals throughout history, and now, I believe I know who possesses it. I need this diamond in my hands. In order to achieve that, I would do anything. And don’t mistake my words for exaggeration when I say … anything."

I draw back as if a snake has just hissed at me. What makes this diamond so special that this man would go to such lengths to obtain it?

“I need you and your father to steal back my familial birthright.”

My mind reels at this revelation. Stealing a legendary diamond, one that has eluded history and remained hidden for centuries, feels like a fantasy. I bet he can’t prove rightful ownership of that diamond, and I want to scoff at the smugness that he would think us so gullible. His birthright, hah! How does one prove ownership of a legend?

Yet, therein lies the allure. There are two things that turn a thief into an icon: the value or mystery of the stolen item and the complexity level of the break-in. This job seems to have both.

I steal a glance at my father, who sits beside Serafina with fear and yearning etched on his face. Despite his years of experience in the art of thievery, even he seems taken aback by the magnitude of this mission.

But I can see the wheels churning in his mind, deciphering the adventure this mission promises. "Can you guarantee our safety?" My father looks between Rafaele and me.