"Why, Gods, why," Sordello sobs, cradling my head in his lap as I collapse to the ground. "Hold on, Remu. My lord, you cannot leave me like this—you cannot leave our city in his hands!"

My lips no longer move to tell him what the gods have decreed shall come to pass.

With each labored breath, my lifeblood ebbs into the earth beneath me, and I feel the cold embrace of death drawing nearer. The wind carries my last breath from my lips. It howls through the cliffs, a mournful lament for the tragedy of our divided fate that shall forever haunt the annals of Rome’s history.

Chapter 5


The Year, 752 BC

I sit upon my throne, my fingers beating against the cold marble beneath me. I await the guards to bring forth the missionary for our private audience.

The heavy doors to the chamber creak open, and the missionary enters, his footsteps echoing throughout the vast room. The guards close the iron gates behind him, and he turns momentarily, shuddering as he is closed off from the world.

He turns to me, a worried look on his face and walks forward. He bows respectfully before me, his eyes never quite meeting mine. I admire his ability to maintain an air of subservience despite the fear that must be coursing through him. With a slight gesture of my hand, I command him to rise and speak.

"Your Highness," he begins with a slight tremble, "I bring news from the outside world."

"Cease with the formalities," I interrupt, growing impatient with his attempts at deference. "Tell me what you know."

He hesitates, clearly struggling to find the right words. In his eyes, I can see the swirling storm of fear and uncertainty. I wonder if he knows just how much lies on his shoulders in this moment – a single misstep could cost him his life.

"Speak," I command once more, my tone firm yet not unkind. For now, I will allow my curiosity to outweigh my impatience.

“Your Highness, there are talks of trouble brewing in the East. The vineyards are struggling, and the crop is damaged. I hear the Lords of England are spreading seeds of rebellion on our lands and…” He continues to tell me of all the information he has gained, and while it is of interest to me, there’s something of more value.

"Enough of this," I say, my voice laced with a hint of impatience as I cut through his ramblings. "Tell me, have there been any developments regarding the missing half of the diamond?"

The missionary hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering to the floor before returning to meet mine. He swallows hard, and for an instant, I catch a glimmer of something in his eyes – a mixture of defeat and resignation, perhaps?

"Your Highness," he says at last, his voice barely more than a whisper, "I regret to inform you that there is still no news about the diamond. Its whereabouts remain known only to the gods."

I feel a twinge of disappointment at his words. The diamond has proven to be far more challenging to locate than I had initially anticipated.

"Is that so?" I murmur, my thoughts churning as I consider the implications of this revelation. The diamond, holding immense power, changed the trajectory of our family's path – if only it could be found.

Leaning back on my throne, the cold stone pressing against my back, I study the missionary before me. His eyes betray his own concern for the missing diamond.

"Tell me," I say with a composed yet commanding voice, "is anyone else aware of its existence?" My eyes never leave his face, searching for any hint of deception or fear.

The missionary swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing with the motion. "No, Your Highness," he replies, his voice trembling slightly. "As far as I know, we are the only ones aware of it."

I take a moment to process his words, allowing the silence to stretch between us. While the missing half of the diamond may pose a potential threat to my legacy, I feel somewhat indifferent towards the idea of tracking it down.

The power it holds is both alluring and dangerous, and I wonder if it might be better left undiscovered. If it remains unfound, my son’s rule would be unquestioned when he ascends the throne.

The flickering torchlight casts an eerie glow on the ancient walls of my throne room as if whispering secrets long buried beneath the weight of time. My heart, however, remains shrouded in a veil of darkness – one that threatens to consume me if I let it.

"Are you certain, missionary?" I ask, the question slipping from my lips like a serpent slithering through the shadows. "No one else knows about the diamond?"

He hesitates for a moment, his eyes darting between mine as if searching for some hidden truth. "Yes, Your Highness," he replies, finally breaking the silence that had settled over the room like a thick fog. "I assure you, the existence of the diamond is known only to those within our inner circle."

"Good," I say, my voice dropping to a low, menacing tone. "And are you willing to keep this secret until your dying breath?"

The missionary swallows nervously, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he senses the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Your Highness. I pledge my loyalty and my life to protect the secret of the diamond."

"Excellent," I reply, my expression darkening as I lean forward, my gaze boring into him like a dagger poised to strike. "Remember, loyalty is what binds us together. It is the foundation upon which our kingdom is built.”