Romola stands still for a few seconds with her eyes closed and then opens them. They’re full of wonder. She rips off the support on her wrist and stretches it out in front of us, squealing as she does, her laughter ringing out through the forest like one belonging to a joyful child. “My wrist,” she laughs. “It’s fixed. My wrist!”

From a distance, birds sing back, mimicking her tone.

All three of us burst into peals of chuckles, like children in a playground.

“Woohooo,” Fiero jumps in the air, pumping his fist to the sky. The birds coo back.

"Is this one of the Gods' gifts?" Romola wonders aloud, her gaze drinking in everything. "Imagine the possibilities if we bring some of these leaves back to Rome!”

Fiero and I both turn to look at each other, the possibilities seeming endless. “The cave of life,” Fiero murmurs.

I nod in agreement. "La Grotta della Vita," I murmur. I’ve caused enough hurt, enough harm and all for what? Nothing. Tonight, I want to put it all in the past. We've stumbled upon a place of immense power – one that could change everything for us and the very fate of Rome itself, if not the world.

Chapter 51


By the time we emerge from the caves, the sun is rising over the horizon, casting a calm glow across the rocky shoreline. Rafaele, Romola, and I stand together on the jagged rocks, our eyes fixed on the incoming boat as it slices through the waters.

"Here they come," I whisper, my heart racing with excitement. The salty sea breeze tugs at my hair, the scar on my forehead tingling as it does when I’m overstimulated.

Romola shivers from the adrenaline, fatigue, excitement and a million different emotions. We all do, to a certain extent. Rafaele has his eyes glued to my men, who expertly navigate the treacherous waves.

Their silhouettes are barely visible from the distance, and I only know they’re mine because I’m tracking their course on the GPS of my watch, but their presence is undeniable: a promise of rescue and safety.

"Your watch works!" Romola exclaims suddenly when she notices me track the course, her wide eyes locked on the timepiece around my wrist.

I grin, lifting my arm to display the intricate design. "It's more than just a watch, piccola colomba," I explain, pressing a small button on the side. "With this, my men can find me wherever I am, even in the depths of a hidden cave."

"Amazing," she murmurs, her awe-struck gaze lingering on the device before flicking back to the approaching boat.

“I’ll make sure to get you one,” I smile and turn to give her a soft kiss on her forehead. “So that I never lose you again,” I move lower and whisper it in her ear. She blushes, and her delicate fingers tighten around mine.

"Everything will be all right now," I tell her, feeling the warmth of her hand in mine. As the boat draws nearer, relief floods through me.

My men stabilize the boat before helping us in. As they work with the ropes, one of them looks at me and his eyes drift between Rafaele and I. He jumps up and walks closer to me. “Uh, boss?” he inquires, on alert.

I know what he’s thinking. Aren’t Rafaele and you enemies?

I pat him on the shoulder and laugh. “Things change, Lucio. Things change.”

He looks comically skeptical, and Rafaele and I look at each other and begin to laugh.

Once the boat is ready to leave, our men suggest we get in. I feel a sudden chill in the air, like a spectral breath on the nape of my neck. I glance over my shoulder, half-expecting to see that ethereal figure lurking in the shadows. But there is nothing.

“There’s nothing there, Brother,” Rafaele smiles at me like he can read my thoughts. “He’s in here,” he touches his heart.

“You’re right, Brother,” I nod before jumping in. I look up and extend my hand for Romola to take it. Before she leans over, Rafaele taps her on the shoulder. My heart races as I watch Rafaele's face suddenly tighten, his eyes narrowing with concern. Before I can ask what's wrong, Romola reaches behind and gently touches his arm.

"Rafaele," she says softly, "It’s safe in my pocket. Don't worry."

She hands each half back to us. We decide to keep it safe like we have always done. It’s our only key to the Cave of Life.

This way, neither one of us can enter the cave without the other, and the chances of another person getting both halves would be nearly impossible.

The tension in Rafaele’s shoulder dissipates, and the three of us share a laugh, our spirits lifted by the knowledge that we have come so far together.

"Alright then, let's get going," Rafaele announces, waiting for Romola to climb down into the boat before following her.