Once she catches her breath, she opens her eyes and notices me staring. For a brief moment, our eyes lock. Time stands still, and the entire world ceases to exist as I extend my hand ever so slightly, and the curve of my pinkie finger touches the base of hers. She gasps, and heat floods through my body.

“Fiero?” she says like she wants a million answers.

There’s so much I wish to tell her, but I stick to the one thing she absolutely must never forget: “Thank you for what you did back there. I wouldn’t have made it out without your help.”

She blushes, looks up at the sky, and speaks. “You came back for me, too. I didn’t deserve it, but you?” She turns to face me again with the sweetest smile on her face. You deserve to live.” She sits up and touches her hand to my heart. “You’ve got a good heart, you know?”

When she looks at me, I’m drawn to the fire in those stunning gray eyes that make me feel alive. I lean in to capture her lips in a tender kiss.

For a second, she moans and leans closer but then, to my surprise, pulls back.

"Rafaele," she whispers urgently, just as our lips part. "He could be close, Fiero. He could be in the water. We’ve had a little rest, but we need to keep moving. We can't let our guard down just yet."

“You’re right,” I murmur, hating Rafaele Bressan with every fiber of my being.

“Your ankle,” Romola pulls her life jacket off. "We can pad it with this.” She fumbles with the ties, her hands trembling from the cold, but she manages to create a buffer to support my ankle. She struggles to her feet and then helps me stand.

"Which way do we need to go?" Romola asks as she gently places my arm around her shoulder for support.

"Towards that grotto right there," I point to the third one on our right, “within is a system of caves,” I reply, gritting my teeth against the pain as I limp onward. Our journey is slow and agonizing, but we press on.

The fear of Rafaele catching up to us doesn’t leave my mind. We have no weapons and no way to call for backup. If he comes, Romola could get severely injured, for I’m no good in this state. Yet, more so, it is the unknown of what lies ahead that truly terrifies me.

No one can pinpoint the exact generation from which the Heart of Italy came to us. My grandfather believed it had been with us for thousands of years, but my father thought differently.

But one thing each ancestor agreed upon was that whoever reunited both halves would hold in their hands an unfathomable, inconceivable power—they would rule all of Italy from Rome.

For generations, my family has safeguarded this legend. Each descendant has tried to fulfill this ambiguous, dark prophecy. Yet, each has failed. Knowing I’m so close to doing what dozens, if not hundreds, before me, couldn’t achieve might be a matter of pride to some, yet it almost paralyzes me with fear.

What if this is just what it has always been – a legend? An unachievable goal? What if we’ve gone through generations of hard work, effort, and tears, only to realize that there never was a power to be held in our hands? That the diamond is just … a rock?

I wince at the futility of it all if the prophecy fails to fulfill itself as I’ve been taught.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Romola questions hesitantly, her voice barely audible above the sound of our labored breathing.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts and just nod to reassure her it is.

I lead Romola into the grotto, our footsteps echoing as we wade through the ankle-high water. Tiny, bioluminescent creatures light up our path. The limestone walls rise high on either side, creating a narrow passage that both awes and demands respect.

Here, I think of how Romola and I, and all of us humans out there, will come and go, but these rocks are here to stay. I suddenly feel small, just a blip in the universe.

As we advance deeper into the grotto, the formations of stalactites and stalagmites come into view, glistening like precious gems in the faint moonlight that filters through unseen crevices above.

"Wow," Romola breathes, her eyes wide with awe. "It's... it's beautiful."

"It is, isn't it?" I agree, momentarily forgetting our dire situation as I take in the breathtaking sight before us. It feels otherworldly, like something out of a dream or a fairy tale. Just then, a bat flutters over my head, and Romola startles and clings to my arm, shrieking as the bat flies out.

“Oh my god,” she says, holding her heart after letting go of my arm. We break out into giggles.

"Come on," I say softly, urging Romola forward. She nods and helps me forward, my arm still around her shoulder, her gaze still lingering on the mesmerizing beauty of the grotto.

As we continue deeper into the cavern, the grotto opens up to reveal a larger cave. The sound of dripping water echoes around us, creating an eerie atmosphere that sends a shiver down my spine.

It’s like the whole world belongs solely to us. We move forward, and my foot slips on a slick patch of moss-covered rock. I lose my balance, frantically reaching for Romola.

"Ow!" she screams in shock, her eyes widening in surprise as I grip her wrist tightly. I immediately release her, guilt washing over me.

Have I overlooked something here? I’m certain I didn’t hold her that tight. “Are you alright?” I ask, trying to lift her wrist to see it.