"By the gods," I gasp, my heart pounding against my chest as I release within her.

"Caterina," I whisper, my voice hoarse and tinged with awe. I am forever yours, you beautiful dove."

She giggles as I exit her and turn and fall flat on my back next to her. I watch as she slowly sits up and uses a spare muslin to clean my seed from dripping down between her legs. Her breasts, round and full, find a home between her arms as she lays back down and faces me.

In the aftermath of that excruciatingly divine release, I find solace in Caterina's arms. The warmth of her body against mine was a comforting balm to my weary soul. I hold her close, our heartbeats synchronized as our breaths mingle in the air.

"Caterina," I murmur, tenderly caressing her cheek. "Hast thou thought of the child, dove? Whether our progeny shall be male or female?"

"My Lord," she replies softly, her eyes brimming with joy. I care not for the matter of gender. Our exploits have created this life, and that is a blessing beyond measure."

"Indeed," I nod, overcome by the love we share and the bright future that awaits us. "Our child shall know boundless love, regardless of their nature. Alas, you are aware he can never claim a title as he is a bastard child."

“Yes,” she mutters, looking sad. I am aware, but my lord, will the child be cared for?”

“In gold, jewels, and property, he or she will be cared for above and beyond. And in time, I will have him become a leader in the army and wed to a woman of high birth. If a girl, I shall find her a titled man worthy of her hand.”

“That’s all I ask, my lord,” she sighs, looking happy in her post-coital bliss.

As we rest in each other's arms, savoring the serenity of the moment, my aide, Sordello, shatters the tranquility.

"Apologies, Sire," he speaks hurriedly, his tone heavy with urgency. "But thy brother approaches the cliffs, accompanied by his son and their army. The time hath come to decide who shall rule over Rome."

“The time has come?” I repeat, shaken to my core. It’s too soon. My brother, Romulus, has been hinting at one rule, but I believed we would meet a negotiation. It seems he has decided to take matters into his own hands.

My heart pounds in my chest and I jump to my feet, getting dressed.

Caterina begins to sob and holds onto my lapels. I turn to her and gently cup her face in my hands. "My love, the prosperity of our realm hangs in the balance. Our child's destiny may be determined by the outcome of this day. While I wish it didn’t come to this, I urge you to remain strong. Never tell a soul whose child you carry."

“I swear it, My Lord,” she nods her head in acknowledgment.

"Stay vigilant," I plead urgently, my voice strained with the weight of the moment. "As we have spoken of before, safeguard this half of the diamond, for it is the key to our child's providence and the symbol of our shared power."

"I’m not worthy of this responsibility, but I’ll do as my King asks, by the gods above, I swear it," she vows, her eyes shimmering with loyalty as she holds the precious gemstone in her trembling hand. The diamond glints in the dim light, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos that surrounds us.

"Thou art my heart, the mother of my children," I whisper, pressing a fervent kiss upon her lips before turning away.

"Go forth, Remu," Caterina encourages me through her tears, her touch tender yet strong upon my arm. "I believe in your claim, and our child will inherit a kingdom worthy of your leadership."

Emboldened by her words, I depart with Sordello by my side, ready to face this battle my brother brings to my gates without warning.

Swiftly, I marshal my thoughts and mount my stallion, its muscular flanks heaving with strain beneath me. With a thunderous gallop, we surge forth towards the cliff's edge with Sordello leading us, the wind tearing through my hair as I ride towards Romulus.

As the Mediterranean Sea comes into view, its vast expanse stretching out before me like a tempestuous canvas, my mind races back to the days of old – when my brother and I ruled Rome side by side.

The memories chime their bitter-sweet echoes, spanning the chasms of time. Where once we stood united, we now face one another divided, cleaved by the cruel hammer of ambition.

I should have seen the signs.

Every time I caught a cold, Romulus would insist I rest, holding meetings without me. I believed it was a brother’s care that made him do so, but now I know better.

Other things come to mind: when he changed The Republic to Rome, designed by accident to be derived from his name, or so he said; When he hired his closest aide as head of the army; When he insisted I don’t marry a woman of high standing from a neighboring nation, to show the people I want children made purely of our soil.

It’s clear now that he was building his defenses all this while and denying me the right to make my own.

"Brother, remember when we were but children?" I murmur softly, my words carried away by the wind as I reflect upon our shared history. "Two souls intertwined, destined to forge a legacy together..."

"Yet Romulus hopes that the tides of fortune shall turn, and only one of us shall emerge victorious," I continue my wretched musings. "For today, we must stand as adversaries, each vying for the throne that rightfully belongs to both."