“Alright. I’ve got this,” Fiero says. He takes his walkie-talkie and contacts Rico. “Rico, can you clear the hallway and get us out of the library? The alarm has been raised, indicating a breach to the treasure room, and we’re sitting ducks. The library is where his men will enter from.”

“On it, boss. I’m touching base with the men indoors.”

“What now?” I ask as I hear shouts and orders being given right outside the library.

“We wait, we trust,” Fiero’s grip on my hand tightens.

Soon, gunfire erupts outside, the smell of gunshot residue filling the air. The deafening cracks make my heart race, and I pray that Fiero’s guys win.

The door slams open, and Fiero inches to the corner to peep. He turns to me with a smile. “It’s our guys,” he whoops, helping me up. “It’s our guys!”

“Boss,” one of them comes over and points at the door. “It’s gotten out of hand. We asked the cars for backup. You have to leave, but there’s no convoy to safeguard you, so Rico’s got a plan.”

“What plan?” Fiero asks as I follow in their footsteps. We reach the hallway, and I see bodies scattered everywhere. Blood. So much blood. I look up, feeling I might hurl.

“Petra,” the guy calls out. “Take the boss and lady up.”

“Up?” Fiero inquires.

The associate turns to Fiero, a grin on his face. “There’s a helipad, boss. Your chopper’s landed.”

I gasp and look at Fiero. But he looks so assured that all my fear fades away. He takes my hand and follows Petra.

We ascend, pressing ourselves against the cold stone walls as we navigate the narrow, winding side stairs up to the helipad.

"Are your men going to be okay without you?" I whisper, unable to shake the guilt that weighs heavily on my conscience. I brought Fiero and his guys into this mess. If only I’d have trusted him from the start, he could have become my ally. Fiero's jaw clenches, but he nods.

"This is what they are trained for, knowing the risks when they sign up," he admits quietly. "But I'll do everything I can to minimize casualties, but all of that must wait until you’re safe. Besides, Rico’s smarter than I am."

We reach the end of the side stairway, emerging into the moonlit night. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the crisp air. We're almost free.

“You may leave now, Petra,” Fiero says.

“But Boss –”

“Leave!” Fiero roars. “Your brothers need you.”

Petra nods and closes the door behind him as we leave. I look forward at the stationed helicopter, feeling slightly nervous.

The wind howls around us as we sprint towards the helipad, the chaos of gunfire and explosions echoing up from Rafaele's compound below. My heart hammers in my chest, both from exertion and fear. Fiero grips my hand tightly.

"Almost there, Romola," Fiero shouts over the roaring gusts. I can see the rotors of the waiting helicopter already spinning while Fiero's men stand guard.

As we reach the helipad, one of Fiero's men opens the door for us, his gun at the ready. "Boss, we've got your back," he says, nodding at Fiero.

"Thank you," Fiero replies, never breaking stride as he leads me into the helicopter. The noise is deafening, but it marks our escape from this nightmare. He helps me into the seat right next to the pilot’s, though I’d rather have been seated back with him.

"Romola," Fiero shouts over the cacophony, "strap yourself in! We're taking off right now!"

I fumble with the seatbelt, my hands shaking from adrenaline. He reaches over and straps me in. The pilot watches as Fiero goes to his side. I hear him roar at the pilot to get out. “The men need you,” Fiero says. “Coordinate everyone’s retreat with Rico. I’ve got it from here!”

The pilot nods and gets off his seat for Fiero to take over.

“What?” I screech in disbelief. Fiero turns to me, a devilish smile on his face. “What? You think I don’t know how to handle my baby?”

As the helicopter lifts off, I catch one last glimpse of the burning compound below, Rafaele's world crumbling to ashes. A bittersweet mix of relief and triumph washes over me.

"Are you alright?" Fiero asks concern etched on his face. It's a question that will take time to answer, but for now, I simply nod.