“Not until I have my father’s body back,” I demand, my voice trembling with suppressed rage and grief.

Rafaele chuckles, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and something darker. "Ah, Romola, always so fiery. I appreciate your efforts in retrieving the diamond for me. But you see, business is business. And your father's body was never part of our deal."

My heart sinks at his words, the pain threatening to consume me. Somewhere in my heart, I truly believed that if I brought him the diamond, he’d show some humanity.

How could he be so callous, so indifferent to the pain of a daughter? The tears well up in my eyes as I glare at him.

"I won't give you the diamond until I see my father's body," I stand my ground, needing to try for Papà’s sake.

Rafaele's expression remains impassive as he studies me intently. "You're a brave one, I'll give you that. But you must understand, sentimentality has no place in our world. The diamond is all that matters now."

He steps back and tilts his head, staring at me as though attempting to understand what I’m made of, which makes me so brave.

"Have it your way, then," Rafaele says gently now. He turns to Franco, nodding once. "Search her."

As Franco approaches me, I brace myself, wondering if I could still somehow outwit these men and hold the diamond hostage until I can demand the right to give my father the funeral he deserves.

Franco lunges, grabbing my arms and slamming me back against the wall. I cry out as my head cracks against the stone, stars bursting behind my eyes. He’s too strong for me. I won’t be able to fight them.

Through the haze of pain, I hear Rafaele ask casually, "Where is the diamond, Romola?"

I blink hard, trying to clear my vision. Franco's meaty hands are wrapped around both my upper arms, holding me in place. "I told you, I want my father!"

Rafaele sighs. "I had hoped we could do this the easy way. Franco, you know what to do."

Franco grins, his eyes gleaming. "With pleasure, Boss."

He pulls me away from the wall and throws me to the floor. I land hard on my side, the breath knocked from my lungs. Before I can recover, Fiero's boot connects with my stomach. I curl into a ball, gasping.

"Where is it?" Rafaele demands. I can only moan in response.

Another kick. Another cry of pain. "I want the body!” I manage to moan out through gasping breaths.

"You fool!" Rafaele snarls. "Franco, strip her naked if you must. The diamond has to be on her.”

Franco cracks his knuckles again, looming over me. "Happy to oblige, Boss."

He reaches down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking me to my knees. I scream, my scalp burning. Franco grins, whispering in my ear. "By the time I'm done with you, cara, you'll be singing like a bird."

Franco pulls harder on my hair, forcing me to meet his gaze. Then, he shoves me around and pins my arms behind my back. I struggle against his bruising grip, panic rising in my chest, but it's no use. He's easily twice my size and immensely strong.

"Since you insist on being difficult," Franco hisses in my ear, "I’m going to have to strip you if need be.”

He slams me against the wall, and his rough hands grope along my torso. I’m getting desperate for an escape. I try to kick him, to distract him momentarily to escape through that library door right next to me, but he seizes my ankle in an iron grip and twists it painfully, making me cry out.

Then, he throws me to the floor and gets on top of me. He pats down my jeans, struggling to feel behind me. When he realizes it’s difficult when he has me on the floor, he begins working up my waist. I close my eyes as his hands creep closer to the inside pocket of my coat, and to my horror, his breathing stills.

I knew he’d found it even before his fingers unzipped the hiding place. His fingers closed around the diamond, wrenching the stone free from where I'd hidden it under my coat.

"I've got it!" Franco crows, holding the diamond up for Rafaele to see. It glints under the dim light, mocking me with its worth, telling me it’s far more valuable than my father’s life.

Rafaele's eyes gleam with greed, lust and satisfaction as he raises his trembling hand in the air, reaching for it.

"At last," he breathes. “The Heart of Italy has finally come home.”

Chapter 43
