When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the empty bed Romola shared with me the previous night. The memory stabs my heart, and I wish she were still in it.

Sybil’s words strike something inside me, a spark of doubt in my anger. Could he be right? Could there be more to this than what is visible on the camera footage?

I think of the way Romola looks at me as if I'm her whole world. I think of how she's brought light back into my dark, bleak life. I think of the future I'd dared to dream of, her by my side.

“My heart,” I speak the truth, putting the call to an end. What is this really about, Romola?

I make my way to the security room and pull up the footage from last night. At first, everything seems normal. Romola enters the treasure room and takes the diamond.

The cameras hunt for all footage of her.

She enters the kitchen, through the dumbwaiter from my room. Smart. She leaves. There are different angles of her walking the walls of the compound periphery. She jumps it near the East Gate to avoid the guards.

No one caught the jump. Some of the men must have been asleep. I did tell them to get some rest after Rafaele’s invasion, so I can’t blame them.

She begins to walk away from the compound and is about to reach that zone where the cameras catch nothing when three cars drive up and surround her in a triangle.

My heart stutters, and I rise from my chair, gripping the edge of the table, my eyes glued to the screen.

The doors burst open. Four men storm out, brandishing weapons. Romola spins around, eyes wide with terror. She tries to run, but they grab her, pinning her arms behind her back. Their leader snarls something in her ear and yanks her along after them.

I rewind the tape and zoom in on the guys.

It’s Rafaele’s lackeys.

My heart leaps as I realize the truth. She was kidnapped, just after she stole the diamond. The coincidence is too great to ignore, and things begin to connect. This was a setup. Romola didn't steal the diamond for nothing - she must have been forced.

Anger and fear war inside me. I'm angry at Rafaele for daring to touch what's mine, and I fear for Romola, at the mercy of that monster. I know exactly what he's capable of, the depths of depravity he'll sink to. Romola is in real danger.

I slam my fist against the desk, cracking the wood. How could I have been so blind? Sybil was right - I should have trusted Romola. I've been a fool.

But it's not too late to make things right. I straightened up, jaw set with determination, and started making plans to get Romola out of there. No matter the cost, I'm going to save her from Rafaele.

As for the rest? We’ll deal with it once I know she’s safe.

Chapter 42


The rough fabric of the blindfold presses against my eyes, chafing my soft skin. I don’t need to question who is responsible for my kidnapping, but I am petrified of where they might be taking me.

Rafaele is a dangerous man. A thought crosses my mind, one I never paid heed to earlier. What if he has me killed to keep his diamond a secret?

To wind up dead after all this doesn’t settle well with me.

“Where are you taking me?” I try to ask.

“Shut up,” some hoarse-voiced crony tells me.

There’s no way out of this car. From their conversation, I can tell there are three guys here. One’s driving. Two are sitting at the back, one on either side of me. I’m blindfolded, and my hands are tied behind the back.

If only I could untie them, rip off my blindfold, cause some confusion, jump to the front, push open the front passenger door and run out…

I begin to fumble with the ropes around my wrists, but just when I feel one loosen, the car pulls to a stop.

My breaths come in gasps as doors open, and I lose focus for a second. Should I just try to risk running blindfolded?

Hands grip my arms forcefully and pull me out of the car. I stumble, disoriented and anxious, while their gruff laughter echoes around me.