My nerves take flight, creating a slow pulse low in my belly. In just a few short hours, I’ll be at Club Greed. With Paxton.
Paxton looks like sex. Pure raw sex. He’s wearing a black suit that I didn’t even know he owned. His hair is gelled to perfection, which is a complete contrast to the unruly way he normally wears it.
I love it.
I’m dolled up in a slinky red dress that I aired out so it didn’t smell like smoke. Once he mentioned Club Greed, I flew into my boss’ office, telling him the news about going to Club Greed, and begging to go home to get ready.
Yes, a girl needs ample time to get ready for a place like Club Greed. I even painted my toes red to match my dress, and my black-strappy heels shows them off perfectly. I feel sexy.
I might even look sexy, because Paxton has barely uttered a word since he saw me and whispered, “Fuck.”
Now we’re in his Jeep, making our way to Club Greed in Saint Pierce, and my nerves are on high alert.
“What can I expect at the club?”
Paxton shrugs. “I’ve never been there when they’re open, but I know we can hang out on the club floor. We don’t need to visit any of the rooms.”
I nod. “Or maybe we can,” I say, feeling brave.
“You’re the boss.” He glances at me for a brief second before focusing back on the road.
“Well, I think we should at least be open to it,” I say, hoping he knows what I’m saying. He doesn’t say anything back, so I expand. “What I mean is, we should try everything. Pretend we’re used to this lifestyle. Blend. We should act like—”
“Relax, Hart. I know what you mean,” he says in a low voice. He lifts my hand and brings my knuckles to his lips. “I think for one night only we don’t think about anything. Don’t think about your article. Don’t think about our past mishaps. Let’s just go in there and enjoy ourselves.”
My heart beats rapidly in my chest. I can’t bring myself to say any words, because I don’t trust my voice. I don’t trust anything.
All I know is I’m excited about tonight. Thrilled.
I want this.
He pulls up to the valet at the club, and I inhale a shaky breath as they open my door.
“Good evening, Miss,” the man says, helping me out of the Jeep.
“Hey, Jared,” Paxton says to the attendant on his side. “Keep it close.”
“Sure thing.” He takes the key from Pax, and I wait for Paxton to join me near the entrance.
“You ready?” he asks.
I peer up at him. “Yes. Let’s forget about everything, and just let what happens happen.”
He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me toward the door. Chills race up and down my spine.
I’m so screwed.
Chapter Sixteen
We walk into Club Greed, looking like the couple I wish we truly were. Hartford looks drop-dead gorgeous, and it’s taking every bit of self-control not to grab her and do all the things I’ve fantasized about.
When Ledger Thorne called me yesterday to remind me of my invitation, I accepted immediately for tonight before I even spoke to Hartford. I thought I was going to need to convince her to come, but she was more than willing.
My dick has been in control since.