Before I do everything I just convinced myself not to do, I say, “Let’s get some sleep.”
She falls asleep quickly, but sleep takes longer to find me. I stare at her. How her hair fans out across the pillow. How her chest rises and falls lightly as she breathes. I soak in the soft sounds she makes and the way her pink lips slightly part.
She takes my breath away.
And I fall asleep to thoughts of all things Hartford.
The next morning the sun shines through the window and I groan, wrapping my arms tighter around the warm body next to me. Realization hits me and my eyes snap open. Hartford is pressed against me, her chest to mine. My arms hold her impossibly close, while her legs are tangled with mine. She looks so peaceful, so relaxed.
She looks like she belongs right where she is—in my arms.
A soft moan escapes her, and she moves, slowly blinking her eyes open. She grins and then her eyes widen. I pull away from her, acting as if nothing is wrong and stretch.
“How’d you sleep?”
She looks as confused as I feel. “Um, good. I slept good.”
“Me too.” I get out of bed and grab my clothes. “I need to get in the shower. I have that tour today. I’ll fix us breakfast when I’m done.”
I leave the room and close my eyes.
Hartford staying with me is going to be the biggest challenge I’ve ever experienced.
I walk into Atta Boy, leaving the hard-on I’ve had all morning outside. Today I need to focus on this tour, and I can’t let my feelings get in the way.
“Morning, Trudi,” I say, walking past the bar.
“Morning,” she replies, wiping everything down.
I poke my head in the kitchen and see Griffin busy prepping for the day ahead. “Hey, man. How’s it going?”
He continues to cut up limes as he replies, “Can’t complain. How’s everything with you?”
That’s a loaded question, so I lie. “Great, looking forward to this tour today.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a good menu planned for you.”
“Perfect, thanks. I’ll let you get back to it.”
I walk into the brewhouse and see Brock hosing down the floor.
“Hey, brother.”
He turns his head, giving me a nod. “What’s up, man?” He drops the hose and grabs a towel, drying his hands. “I heard there was a fire at Hartford’s house. Everything all right?”
I run my hand through my hair as I nod. “Yeah, there’s a lot of damage. Thank fuck, she didn’t get hurt.”
“Damn, that’s lucky. So what’s she going to do now?”
“She’s staying with me until the repairs are done.”
He tries hiding a smile. “Oh, yeah, that’s not going to lead to something.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Pax, I heard Hartford had a fire,” Tripp interrupts us. “Is she okay?”
“She’s good. The house wasn’t as lucky.”