Callum: When you coming home?

Shepherd: Not soon enough.

Tripp: I’ll play whatever the hell I want.

Do you even know what it is?

Brock: Is this the new teenage thing?

Shepherd: What the fuck is it?

Callum: Christ, Shep, open up Google.

Tripp, why the hell didn’t you Google it?

Tripp: I did! I was just seeing if you guys ever heard of it. Damn.

Shepherd: Fuck, Tripp. Why are you talking about this?

Tripp: Cooter ball is where you go to the strip club and wad up dollar bills, toss them, and try to get it to stick to the stripper’s pussy area.

Callum: Something is seriously wrong with you.

Brock: I did it once.

Callum: Bullshit.

Tripp: I watched a video.


Shepherd: You really did it, Brock?

Brock: Yep.

Tripp: Where?

Brock: Woodpeckers.

Callum: Liar. Closest you ever got to money in a pussy was in a G-string at the club.

Brock: Fucking truth.

Shepherd: I think I need to experience this.

Tripp: Me too.

Callum: You want to toss a wadded-up dollar bill and try to get it to stick to a woman’s pussy? That’s your idea of fun?

Pussy in any sense is fun or has it been so long you forgot?

Callum: It’s been a long time for you too, Pax.

Tripp: You both definitely forgot the feeling of pussy.

Callum: Tripp, shut the fuck up. Your goddamn voice just dropped.

Tripp: Let’s all hit the club tonight.