Page 113 of 4th Degree

As I stride out of the room, I slow as I pass my fighters. I don’t know what to say to them that could ever properly express my gratitude, so I settle for looking around the group and telling them quietly, “I’m so proud to be your coach.”

Tristan and Jax both clap me on the shoulder, and Kane gives me a nod that says more than his words could. The girls send me tremulous, tear-filled smiles.

It’s Aiden who pushes through the group and throws his arm around me. “Aw, shucks. We love you, too, old man.”


He looks at his teammates in shock. “What? It’s an endearment!”

I let out a loud laugh at the same time they pile on top of him and drag him out of the room. Following them out, I can’t help thinking that despite everything else being chaotic and undetermined…I’m glad I have this.

I just hope I can still give Skylar the same.



When I walk into the building, half of me expects to be immediately recognized and laughed out of the arena. Black clothes and my red hair tucked under the hood of my sweatshirt be damned. With the amount of drama I caused last week, I thought for sure the entire city would remember me.

But nothing happens. After I get my ticket from Will Call, and I’m scanned through to the center of the building, I make my way through the crowd without anyone’s head turning my way. No one knows who I am.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I wanted to be here so badly, but it’s only been ten days since everything went down, and I didn’t think that was enough time for everyone to forget. And the last thing I wanted was to make things any worse for Dominic.

Actually, the last thing I wanted was to run into Dominic.

At the thought of him, I quickly scan the area around me. With Aiden fighting tonight, I know Dominic is here, but he never leaves the backstage area. So, the chances of running into him are slim to none.

I glance down at my phone and reread Aiden’s message for the fifteenth time. He’s the reason I’m here, after all.

Aiden: SKY. You still coming to the fights this weekend? Please still come to the fights this weekend. You know you don’t want to miss out on the chance to see me kick some guy's ass.

Aiden: Lucy already bought you a ticket. I left it at Will Call for you. Whether you come to the Bulldog section or not, just know that we want you there. We miss you.

Aiden: Aaaaand with that I’m maxed out on my sentimental quota. Guess Dani doesn’t get any more I love yous this month.

My lips twitch with a smile. Aiden’s message is the only thing that’s brought one out lately, and for that, I’m grateful. The past ten days have been awful.

I hate not being at the gym. Not just because I’m missing the stress relief that comes with it, but also because I miss the excitement. The learning, the physical workout—the people. I miss my teammates. I miss Dominic.

I haven’t let myself think about him too much. When throwing myself into my studies didn’t work, I took on as many shifts at the café and restaurant as I possibly could. Distracting myself with customer service became the only thing that would exhaust me to the point of not thinking about him.

Because every time I thought about him, I got eaten up by the guilt that came with it. I’m responsible for everything that happened to Dominic, and I hate myself for it.

It doesn’t matter that the post got taken down quickly, or that the social media posts and comments eventually slowed. The damage is done. And the rumors of the UFC withdrawing their Hall of Fame election didn’t help, even though their decision hasn’t been made public yet. All it took was one post to shred Dominic’s reputation. And it was my fault.

I force myself to brush all of that off. What’s done is done, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m only here because I want to support a friend.

A friend who is being called to the cage right now.

The announcement of Aiden’s name is a welcome distraction. I’m at the back of the arena, hidden in the crowd, but even from here, I can see where the fighters making their entrance.

Aiden walks through the smoke, his walkout song making him bob his head to the beat, an eager grin on his face. I take a deep breath and look for his corner.

But to my surprise, it’s Tristan and Jax who follow behind him.

Dominic is nowhere to be seen.

I frown. Why wouldn’t Dominic be in his corner? Did something happen? Is he okay?