She eyes me for a few seconds before saying, “Are you sure? Because your performance today…I’m sorry to say that it wasn’t up to par with your past performances. I can’t help but worry that something’s wrong.”

It takes everything I have not to squeeze my eyes shut and sigh. I hoped she and the rest of the cast and crew wouldn’t notice how uncomfortable I was on stage with Declan, but who am I kidding? My talent couldn’t save me from the intense emotions speeding through my body.

Declan and I alone on stage was very odd. I mean, he and I were on stage yesterday, but it was different because we were doing an action scene. The one we did today was face-to-face interaction. And being so close to him…seeing how gorgeous those emerald eyes are and the way that charming smile of his lights up his entire face…

He did an amazing job today and I was well…sigh.

I think talking to Rylee and Zoey last night about what happened on set has brought the emotions I felt seven months ago back to the surface. It was easier to push them away or pretend nothing happened when I didn’t think about it. But it’s all I thought about last night. The way I felt about him when I first met him, how mortified I was after the kiss disaster, and then how hurt I was when he made fun of me with his friends.

Doing a more intimate scene with him reminded me of those first few days on set when I crushed hard on him and would think about him practically all day. And at night, I would imagine the two of us getting together and becoming Hollywood’s perfect couple. I know, I know, I was getting way ahead of myself, but it was fun to think about it. I thought he was one of the sweetest and kindest guys I ever met, the kind of guy I dreamed of living happily ever after with. It sucks that he turned out to be a jerk.

Of course I wasn’t naïve enough to assume I’d get my happily ever after with my first crush. Okay, maybe I was. I suppose I didn’t think I’d have my heart broken after the first guy I liked. And technically, is my heart even broken if he and I never got together? Am I so pathetic to be heartbroken over a crush?

I think a huge part of me is still searching for that sweet kind guy I met on the first day on set. Still hoping that he’s there somewhere. But I don’t think he is. Declan Hart is an actor, and I know it’s hypocritical for me to think this because I’m an actor, too, but can one ever truly know an actor? He can always put on an act. That’s why I don’t want to lower my guard when I’m around him.

All these emotions are messing with my head.

“Mia?” Miss Lane asks.

I blink and look at her. “What? Oh, um…I’m just tired. And distracted. You know, with school and stuff…”

Miss Lane still looks worried. “I know I asked you to play the female lead, but if you don’t think you can do it, please let me know. Your mental health comes above everything else.”

“No, no, I can do it,” I quickly assure her. “I want to do it. I love the script and I love my character. I think you’re right—this will go down in Edenbury High’s history books as one of the best performances we ever had, and I want to be part of it. Really, Miss Lane, you have nothing to worry about. I’m totally one hundred percent perfectly fine.” I offer her a confident smile.

Miss Lane seems relieved. “I’m glad to hear that. We’ll try the scene again tomorrow, okay? Have a great evening.”

“Thanks. You, too.”

When I return to the auditorium to gather my stuff, Declan is surrounded by some of the cast and crew. He’s telling them a funny story that happened when he was doing a show for his local theater back when he lived in Alabama. I don’t mean to, but my eyes move to him and watch as his face lights up like the sun settled there. It’s obvious he’s very passionate about theater. I can tell he’s being real and open with them, not putting on an act or anything. It reminds me of the guy I met on the first day on set.

Suddenly, he looks past some of the heads and focuses on me. I tear my gaze away and continue gathering my stuff. Though my back faces him, I feel his gaze still pasted on me. Is he thinking about how badly I performed today? Does he secretly hope Miss Lane will replace me? It doesn’t matter. Like I said before, I need to be professional and push whatever happened in the past far far away, never to see the light of day again.

“See you tomorrow, guys,” I call as I head to the exit of the auditorium.

They wish me good night—even Declan. Then I catch a ride with Rylee’s dad. Rylee and Mason have a date planned, so it’s just me and Brayden in the car. I’m not really in the mood for conversation because I keep thinking about my terrible performance. I can’t remember the last time I was this bad. Am I losing it? Maybe I don’t have what it takes to be a good actor. Brayden must sense this because he puts on music, and we don’t talk much during the drive.

“Thanks, Brayden,” I say as I close my hand over the door handle. “And we better not play dodgeball tomorrow at PE.” Some of the kids can literally break my head off with their fire balls.

Brayden grins. “No guarantees.”

“Why does PE exist?” I grumble as I get out of the car. I stick my head in before I shut the door. “So people like you can torture people like me.”

“You know how important it is to be active, Mia. You can’t sit on your butt all day playing video games.”

“Watch me.” I raise my head defiantly. Then I chuckle. “I know. I’m just kidding. But I get enough exercise when I move on stage. There’s a scene in Act One where I have to run around on stage. It’s quite the workout, Coach.”

“Well, at least you’re moving.”

“Indeed I am. Good night, Brayden.”

“Good night.”

I shut the door and make my way inside. Dad is still at the restaurant and Mom is at work, so I have the whole house to myself. After piling a few snacks in my arms, I go upstairs to get started on homework. WillowBot is cleaning my room.

“WillowBot, you don’t have to do that,” I say as I drop my snacks on my desk. “You know I’m against you doing forced labor.”

“It is not forced if I want to do it,” she says as she picks up discarded clothes from the floor. I meant to clean up last night, but I was too lazy. “Willow programmed me to help her out as much as I could, and I wish to do the same to you.”