He shrugs. “I walked into her office and she was surprised to see me there. I explained that I was there to pick you up because you had car trouble, but she told me you left half an hour ago. I felt like an idiot.”
“Sorry. But did you talk?”
“A little. Just a light conversation. Then I left and went for a drive.”
“And…?” I press. “Did you ask her out?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve thought about it. I want to get back together so badly, you have no idea. But we’ve been through so much. Changed so much. I hurt her. She wouldn’t want me back.”
“Did you ask her?”
He squeezes his eyes shut as he sighs. “No, but I don’t want to hurt her again.”
I’m about to say something, but he goes on. “Even if we were to try again, I’m leaving Edenbury in a few months. And she’ll remain here. It’ll be senior year all over again.”
I’m quiet as I think about his words. “Do you think you guys could have tried long distance all those years ago? You think you’d still be together?”
He holds up his hands like he has no clue.
“Right. You don’t know that,” I continue. “You just assumed it wouldn’t work out. But what if you were wrong? Your love was so powerful—you were crazy about each other. I know the distance wouldn’t have broken you guys up. Besides, you can stay in Edenbury, you know.”
He stares at me. “But I’m your manager.”
I shrug. “I can always get a new manager. But what you and Tori had—and could have again—was so special. Why give that up? Why not try again? See where things go. Maybe you’re right and you changed and you’d never work out. But what if you are meant to be together? Would you give up on the girl of your dreams because you’re my manager?” I shake my head. “I’d never hold you back from the girl you love. For so long you pushed me first. You always protected me and watched over me and you invested so much of yourself in my career. Now it’s time for you to be selfish and care about yourself.”
His eyebrows furrow. “Are you sure?”
“Definitely. Mia thinks you guys are written in the stars and I think she might be right.”
He gets this goofy look on his face. “You think?”
I chuckle. “Call her and ask her out.”
He goes still, eyes wide. “But what if she says no?”
“Then you’ll know it’s over and you can move on.” I get up and pat his arm. “You know and I know that she still has feelings for you. Here’s your chance to fix what’s broken between you guys.”
He nods slowly as he thinks about my words. “Yeah. I’ll call her. Thanks.” He’s like in a daze as he gets up and leaves my room.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
“Hey, Mia! Wait up.”
When I turn around, I find Declan rushing to catch up to me, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
“You headed to rehearsal?” he asks.
As we make our way toward the auditorium, he says, “So I have an update on Operation Love Birds.”
“Ooh, what?”