So, SO tempting.

“Actually, Mia and I were planning to go to Mikey’s tonight. You should come with us.”

I nod. “Yep. Mikey’s has the best burgers in the world. Have you been there yet?”

He shakes his head. “Haven’t had a chance to, but I’m very curious about it. You sure you want an old guy like me tagging along?”

“You’re not an old guy and of course we’d love to have you. Right, Declan?”

“I don’t see any old men here. And Mia’s right. We’d love to have you.”

“Thanks. What time are you thinking?”

Declan and I already discussed that it would have to be around six because that’s when Miss Lane eats there. And it’s also before the place gets filled with students either coming in after a game or just hanging out.

“Six?” I say.

He nods. “Sounds good. Good luck with your project.”

We thank him and he leaves.

Bending close to Declan, I whisper, “I feel a little bad that we’re setting him up behind his back.”

“Me, too. But we’re trying to help him and Tori because we care about them and their happiness.” His face changes. “Do you mind if I talk to my brother about something real quick?”

Does this have to do with that phone call?

“Sure, of course.”

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.” He leaves the room.

Once he returns, I want to ask him about it, but from the disappointed look on his face, I know it’s bad news. Clearly he doesn’t want to talk about it, and it’s none of my business.

He’s just sitting there staring at the space in front of him.

“You okay?” I ask.

He blinks and nods. “Yeah, I’m good. We have about three hours to kill. What do you want to do?”

Smiling, I slip my hands into my backpack and pull out my gaming laptop. “Continue our quest in CE?”

“You brought Minnie? Awesome. Let’s set you up and go.”

After that’s done, he logs into his account and I do the same with mine and we spend most of the afternoon gaming. It’s not until Chase knocks on the door that we realize the time.

Dang. How did the hours fly by?

“Are we still up for Mikey’s?” Chase asks.

Declan leaps to his feet. “Of course we are.” He pulls a cap on his head and sunglasses.

We get into Chase’s car and drive to the diner. It’s packed, but not as packed as it’ll be in a few hours.

As soon as we’re inside, I do a quick scan for Miss Lane, worried she might not be here. But I internally sigh in relief when I spot her at one of the tables in the back, alone, a burger in her hands.

Declan meets my gaze and gives me a slight nod. So far so good.

“Let’s choose that table?” Chase points to one at the front of the diner. There’s no way he’ll see Miss Lane from there.