“I’m sure she can take a quick break.” I call my grandmother over in Korean.

When she arrives, Declan gives her the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen on him. “Thank you so much for such a wonderful meal. I’ve never had anything more delicious in my life.”

Halmeoni inclines her head. “You’re welcome. It was my pleasure. And please come again.”

“I definitely will.”

Suddenly, one of the guys who washes the dishes hurries over to Halmeoni and starts telling her frantically in Korean that he has a family emergency and needs to leave. Halmeoni waves him away, urging him to go take care of his family.

As soon as he’s gone, her face washes with worry and she rubs her forehead. “What am I going to do?” she asks herself in Korean. “I have no washers left.”

“What happened to Do-Yeon?” I ask, also in Korean.

“He called in sick this morning. Both my washers are gone.”

I stand. “I’ll wash.”

“Oh no, sweetie. You don’t have to.”

“Of course I’ll help, Halmeoni.”

“What’s going on?” Declan asks.

“We lost both washers,” I inform him. “I’m going to help out.”

“Count me in.” Declan stands, too.

I gape at him. “You want to wash the dishes?”

“Sure. I see two sinks. There’s enough room for both of us.”

“But…but…” He’s Declan Hart. And Declan Hart does not do the dishes.

He leans closer with another smile. “I do the dishes at home sometimes, too, Mia.”

“This isn’t really necessary…” Halmeoni tries to say, but Declan assures her that he’s happy to help. That he wants to help.

“Only if I send home leftovers with you,” Halmeoni says.

His face lights up. “Best deal I’ve ever made.”

“Thank you.” Halmeoni throws her arms around him. “You are such a sweet and handsome boy. Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Halmeoni!” I cry.

“What, Mia? He is really sweet and very handsome.”

I groan and bury my forehead in my hand.

“Thanks,” Declan says, his cheeks slightly pink.

“Gomaweo to you as well, Mia,” Halmeoni says. “Although, she is quite an expert at washing dishes here,” she tells Declan. “When she was little and caused trouble and her parents wanted to discipline her, they sent her to me and I put her on dishwashing duty.”

“Halmeoni!” I cry again as my entire face flames.

Declan laughs. “That’s really cute. You were a little troublemaker?”
