She blinks at him before hissing to me in Korean, “Maybe I recognize him a little. He’s a very handsome young man.”
“Halmeoni…” I mutter.
“Mia insisted I come here because the food is amazing,” Declan tells her, again with a smile. “I’m really looking forward to eating here.”
Halmeoni looks a bit flustered. “Yes, I try to—” she says in Korean before correcting herself in English. “Yes, I try to serve delicious food. Mia, you and Declan can sit over there and I’ll serve you some food. What would you like?”
“Japchae,” I say without hesitation.
Declan holds up his finger. “I second that.”
“Gamsahamnida, Halmeoni,” I say.
“What she said,” Declan says.
He’s about to sit down, but I say, “I want to check in with my grandfather.”
“I’ll join you.”
We leave the kitchen and head to his office, nearly running over Dad on the way, who’s carrying two trays.
“Sorry, Dad!” I say.
“Hey, Mia. I didn’t know you were stopping by.” He notices Declan. “Ah, showing your co-star one of the finest establishments in Edenbury?”
“You know it.”
“This place is really cool,” Declan says. “I get the sense that guests feel at home when they dine here. It’s so comfy and welcoming.”
Dad beams. “You’ve got keen instinct, Mr. Hart.”
“Dad, let me know if you need help with service.”
“Thanks, sweetie, but we’re okay for now. You and Declan enjoy yourselves.”
Harabeoji seems oddly calm today. When he notices me walk in, he leaps to his feet and crushes me in his arms. “Mia! What a surprise!” he says in Korean. “I was just thinking how much I miss you and wish you would stop by. And look, my prayers have been answered. I—” His voice cuts off when he notices Declan standing there. “Who is this handsome young man?” he asks.
“Harabeoji, this is Declan Hart—the actor I told you about,” I say in English. “Declan, this is my harabeoji, my grandfather. He takes care of the day-to-day operations while my grandmother tends to the kitchen.”
“All my respect to you and your wife,” Declan says as he shakes his hand. “My parents run a few businesses, so I know how hard it can be. This place is amazing.”
“Gomaweo. It wasn’t always easy, but we feel very blessed.”
We exchange a few more words with Harabeoji before returning to the kitchen, where Halmeoni has laid out japchae and rice for us. Declan and I waste no time digging in. Mmm. Nothing beats Halmeoni’s food.
“Man, this is delicious,” Declan says as he stuffs his mouth.
I can’t help but smile as I watch him devour my grandmother’s food. Not only because he looks cute—because he really, really does—but because he seems comfortable with himself. He told me that he sometimes doesn’t know how to be himself, that he’s not sure how to be just Plain Declan. But right now, he looks free to be whoever he wants to be.
“What?” he asks as he scarfs down some more glass noodles. “I look very unattractive right now, don’t I?”
“You’re perfect,” I say. My eyes widen when I realize what just shot out of my mouth. “I m-mean, the food is perfect. Don’t worry, all etiquette and manners fly out the door when it comes to Halmeoni’s cooking.”
He nods as he continues gobbling down the food. I do, too, and we’re done in less than ten minutes.
“Wow, this is definitely the best Korean food I’ve ever had,” he says. “Hands down. Can you please call Halmeoni here so I can thank her? But not if she’s too busy.”