“You’re inviting me to hang out with you at your family’s restaurant?”

“Why not? You just said you love Korean food, and I just informed you that my grandmother makes the best japchae in the world. Ergo, it would make sense for you to stop by the restaurant and sample said food.”

Or he can just come because…I invited him.

He still seems surprised. Then a smile forms on his lips. “Thanks, I’d love to stop by Ji-Ho’s and taste the delicious food.”

We leave the building and walk to his car. He holds open the passenger door for me with a smile. I thank him and climb in.

This time, I don’t read my book as we drive to the restaurant. We talk about various things and listen to music, and of course we talk about the play. We still have a ways to go before opening night, but every single member of the cast and crew, and Miss Lane, are so freakin’ excited.

A short while later, he pulls into Ji-Ho’s parking lot, managing to snag the last available spot.

“Oh wow,” I say as I study all the cars parked here. “The place must be super packed. More than usual.”

“Oh. So we won’t have a table?” Declan asks, clearly disappointed.

“Do you know who I am? I’m Mia Park, granddaughter of this fine establishment. Do you think they’d stab me in the heart by turning me away?”

Declan watches me like he has no idea if I’m serious or not.

I burst into laughter. “Dude, chill. Halmeoni will feed us.”

We get out of the car and make our way inside, Declan holding the door open for me. Wow, indeed—the place is beyond packed.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Mia and Mia’s friend,” the hostess says with frantic eyes. “Sorry, but we’re really busy today.”

“That’s okay,” I assure her in Korean. “We’ll eat in the kitchen.”

She seems relieved as she tends to one of the guests.

“Ae-Cha!” I call to one of the servers who passes by. “Do you need help?” I ask, also in Korean.

“Your dad has it covered,” she assures me. “Gamsahamnida, Mia.” She rushes into the kitchen.

“Halmeoni is probably a mess,” I say as I lead Declan toward the kitchen. “She gets so stressed when there are tons of people to feed, but she loves it, too, you know? Ally—I mean, Mrs. Hastings—always says that if you get nervous about something, it shows you really love it. I always remember that when I’m nervous before shooting a scene or performing in the school play.”

“I like that,” he says. “I’ll have to remember that the next time I’m on set or on stage.” He pauses for a second and glances at me. “I didn’t know you’re fluent in Korean.”

“Yeah, my sister and I grew up speaking Korean to my grandparents, though we speak English to my mom and dad. My mom taught herself Korean after she got together with my dad in high school.”

“That’s so cool. I’ve always wished I were fluent in another language, but I’m just a boring guy who can only speak English.”

The kitchen is indeed chaotic, and Halmeoni looks beyond stressed. She’s ordering the staff in a cool and collected manner, though. She always runs a very tight ship here at Ji-Ho’s.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Halmeoni,” I greet with a wave.

She stops whatever she’s doing and turns around to face me. “Mia!” She holds out her arms wide and I bolt into them. “I didn’t expect my beautiful granddaughter to stop by today,” she gushes in Korean as she squeezes me tight and kisses my cheek

“Do you need help with service?”

“No. That’s okay, sweetheart. Gomaweo. We have everything under control. Are you hungry? Sorry, you didn’t introduce me to your friend.” She says the last part in English.

With his charming smile, Declan holds out his hand. “Hello, Mia’s grandmother. I would say the greeting in Korean, but I would totally butcher it. You have such an amazing place here.”

Halmeoni seems a little starstruck as she shakes his hand.

“Remember I told you about the actor who’s spending the semester here in Edenbury?” I remind her. “This is him, Declan Hart. Maybe you recognize him from the movie we did together?”