She slides down in her desk, shutting her eyes. “I’m dying here and the only thing that can heal me is—”

“Miss Park, do we have a problem?” the teacher, Mr. Jenkins, says as he walks into the classroom.

Mia keeps her eyes shut. “Yeah, and the person who can fix me refuses to help.”

“Mia,” I hiss, trying to hide my chuckle.

She just shrugs.

“Please sit up and behave like a student, Miss Park.”

Grumbling, Mia pulls herself up. “Fine,” she whispers to me. “Have your secrets, but I’ll have mine.”

I shake my head. “What she said was horrible and I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Please drop it.”


“Mr. Hart, do I have to ask you to leave my classroom?”

Almost everyone in the class, mostly the girls, gasp.

“Sorry, Mr. Jenkins.”

“May I begin my lesson?”

“For sure. I’m always fascinated by your lessons.”

“And Mr. Charming strikes again,” Mia teases. “But I don’t think it works on male teachers.”

I motion for her to keep quiet or we’ll both get detention. She playfully sticks out her tongue.

As the class goes on, I can’t hold back my smile. I don’t know if Mia sees me as a friend, but I really like goofing around with her. She doesn’t demand anything of me, or expect me to do something for her. She’s totally real with me, puts me in my place, tells me when I’m doing something wrong. But the best part? I’m not this perfect person to her. I’m just Declan, William to her Scarlett, and Pirate Farmer to her Miss Drama.

“What are you smiling at?” Mia whispers to me.

“It’s nothing.”

Classes zoom by and Mia and I leave our last class and walk toward the auditorium. A few kids follow us, the crowd smaller than usual, probably because they’re busy with after-school activities, or they ran home.

“If I guess what Tiffany said, will you tell me if I got it right?” Mia asks for what must be the millionth time.

I stop walking. “Do you want me to be the bad guy by telling you something hurtful?”

She shrugs, pushing some hair away from her face. “Believe me, I’ve heard it all. There’s nothing new you can say. Come on, co-star, I can handle it.”

I study her for a bit. “Are you always this nosy?”

“When someone talks about me behind my back? Yeah.”

I shut my eyes for a few seconds, letting out a sigh. “I won’t do it.”

“I won’t go to practice and I’ll tell Miss Lane you’re being mean to me. Who do you think she’ll believe?”

“Me,” I say.

