She glances at Mia’s table. “What were you doing there? You know the place to sit is at my table.” She grins widely.

My eyes jet to Mia, who’s talking to her friends. “I was actually thinking about sitting with Mia today.”

Her smile drops. “What? You want to sit at the loser invisible table?”

My eyebrows scrunch. “Loser invisible table?”

She rolls her eyes. “Why would you want to sit there?”

“Because Mia is my friend.”

She scoffs, flicking her hair aside. “That loser is your friend? No, you need to stay away from her. She’s a nobody here, okay?”

I frown. “That’s not very nice.”

She bursts out laughing. “Oh my gosh, you’re so adorable.” Her eyes narrow. “I don’t know what spell she put on you and the rest of the world, but I know something happened with The Beat of My Heart and that’s why you weren’t asked to come back for the sequel. Is she, like, threatening you with something? Blackmailing you?”

“No, of course not. Mia and I are friends and she would never hurt me. I wasn’t asked to be part of the sequel because that’s what the producers wanted. End of story.”

She purses her lips. “Come on, Declan. No one really believes that. I can make her life hell. Just say the word.”

“Make her life hell? Why would you do that?”

She rolls her eyes. “Because she and her loser friends are always having their parents abuse their power to get away with anything at this school. See that loser over there?” She points at Rylee. “She thinks she’s a cheerleader. But she only made the squad because of her daddy the football coach. He threatened to fire my aunt if she didn’t let her on the squad. Isn’t that so wrong? Like I said, abusing his power.”

“I’d rather not talk about Mia and her friends.”

She giggles. “You’re so soft, Declan. She gets to do the sequel and you don’t? All because of who her dad is. Another loser abusing his power to help his loser kid get ahead in life.”

I scowl at her. “Stop calling Mia a loser.”

Her eyes widen and she acts all innocent. “I’m just trying to help you. She’s a curse and a disaster and it’s best for you to keep your distance. After all, you’ll make it far in life and she’ll just be a has-been. I mean, there’s just so much her dad can do for her, right?”

I glare into her eyes as I inch closer to her. “Quit saying those things about Mia, Tiffany.”

With a wide smile, she glances around the popular table. When I follow her gaze, I realize most kids have their phones out and are recording this exchange. Considering I have a reputation to keep, I shut my eyes, release a breath, and step away from Tiffany.

She wraps her fingers around my arm. “You know, we’d look perfect together. All heads will turn in our direction and social media will go crazy and everyone will love you more than they already do.”

I slide away from her, causing her arm to fall. Bending close so only she can hear, I whisper, “I wouldn’t be with you even if you were the last girl on the planet. I don’t know why you hate Mia, but she’s an awesome person. So kind and fun and overall amazing. I pity you, Tiffany. You’re a very sad and pathetic person to call someone else a loser. I’d really appreciate it if you kept your distance from me.”

Twisting around, I raise my head and make my way back to Mia’s table. She and the others—and the rest of the kids in the cafeteria—are staring at me.

“Can I sit?” I ask them.

“S-sure,” Mia says. “What was that?”

I shrug as I stab my fork into my food. “Not worth talking about.”

Mia bangs her head on the table. “I think I might die from curiosity.”

“Everyone is staring at us,” Zoey says. “Well at you, Declan.”

Mia lifts her head as I look around the cafeteria. Sure enough, every single kid has their eyes pasted on me. I know I might have embarrassed Tiffany in front of everyone by rejecting her, but I’d never in a million years be with someone like her. I can’t believe I actually thought she was a decent person. But thinking back, I realize she was just playing me by pretending to be kind. Tiffany showed her true colors today, and I’m glad to say I don’t like them.

“Let’s just say Tiffany said things to me that I didn’t like,” I tell them.

Mia squints. “Is that why you left her?”