“What are you looking at? How to dress up your stupid robot?” She yanks my phone out of my hand.
“Hey! Give it back.”
She scans my phone and raises her brow. “What the heck am I looking at?”
“It’s a build for Chronicles of the Eternals.”
Her eyes flash to me. “What? Was that even English?”
“It’s a video game, Tiff,” a guy calls from the back of the room. “Pretty good one, too.”
She bursts into laughter. “What a loser. Sits all alone at home with her PlayStation.”
Her Nitwits join in her laughter, each one trying to show the other up like they’ll gain Tiffany’s favor. They sound like a pack of hyenas.
I grab my phone back. “I play Chronicles of the Eternals on PC,” I mutter. “Everyone knows the game is optimized for that platform.”
Tiffany stares at me for a few seconds before guffawing. “Oh my gosh, you’re so pathetic. Someone like you will never have a boyfriend.” With another flick of her hair, she marches back to her desk in the back, her Nitwits following behind.
I want to call after her that last I checked, she doesn’t have a boyfriend, either, but I decide to keep my mouth shut. Tiffany lives off making people squirm, and the last thing I need is for her to know that her words bother me. Because even though I don’t want them to, her words sting again. I don’t think I have low esteem, but is it possible I’ll never fall in love?
Telling myself not to let her get to me, I focus back on my phone.
Chapter Four
The smell reaches my nose as soon as my friends and I enter the cafeteria on Friday. Inhaling deeply, I sigh happily. “Pizza! Finally.”
Zoey, Rylee, Mason, and Kade laugh as we stand in line with all the other kids waiting for lunch. Gosh, this is going to take forever. My stomach’s growling like a lion is trapped in there.
“I’m going to die if I don’t get some food now,” I complain to my friends as I bend forward, my shoulders slumping. “To be so young…”
“And overdramatic,” Zoey teases. “Look, the line is moving quickly. You’ll have your pizza soon.”
“Speaking of drama.” Rylee turns to me. “Any updates on the play?”
Auditions were held all week and unfortunately Miss Lane still hasn’t found her lead guy yet. Most of the boys who auditioned were great, but apparently not quite perfect for the role. She extended the auditions for next week as well, though I don’t think anyone else will sign up. The theater kids aren’t very popular, so it’s not like someone will fall from the sky.
I still feel bad that I was given the lead female role again, but I’ll do whatever I can to make sure this play is the best it can be. Lots of kids could get scholarships to performing arts colleges.
“No, no updates,” I tell my friends. “Miss Lane is still waiting for her perfect male star. But since we’ll need to get started with rehearsals soon, she’ll probably choose someone even if he doesn’t fit the role one hundred percent. Honestly, I think she’s stressing out too much. I’m sure whoever she’ll end up picking will be amazing.”
“And the play will be amazing, too,” Mason says. We’re nearly at the front of the line now and my stomach growls even more.
“Thanks. I hope so.”
“Has this ever happened before?” Kade asks. “Does it always take Miss Lane this long to find the male lead?”
I shrug. “Not really. I haven’t read through the entire script yet, but I guess the role must be intense or something because she’s being so picky. Anyway, let’s not talk about the play. How’s Love Land treating you guys?”
Rylee and Mason, and Zoey and Kade smile at each other in this goofy way like they’re crazy into one another. I told myself over and over not to be jealous. I’m so happy for my friends, but I’ve always been the boy crazy one. And I’m the only single one left. I know, I know, wishing and hoping for a boyfriend in high school shouldn’t be my top priority, but it’d be nice to have someone care about me in that special way. Just like I’d care about him.
“Mia?” Rylee’s face gets in mine. “You okay? Looks like you went somewhere.”
I blink. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Mason gestures to the space in front of us. “You’re up.”