I snort. “You wish. It’s more like you’re the one who wants to bask in my presence.”

He laughs softly. “You might be right.”

I gape at him, not sure I heard him right.

“I didn’t realize parties can be so exhausting.” He leans back on the chair and closes his eyes. “All I want to do is sleep.”

“Me, too. I was up way too late gaming last night.”

His eyes open. “Well, you’re in love with Mousy, so I can’t blame you.”

I slap his shoulder. “I’m not in love with Mousy. You’re in love with Headphony.”

He laughs again. “I think Headphony might be in love with Mousy. He misses their short time together in the supply closet.”

“Unfortunately, Mousy has moved on.”

Declan stabs his chest. “That hurt him right in the heart.”

“You sound just like my dad.”

“Really? That’s funny.” He sighs. “I wish I could achieve even a fraction of his success.” His eyes get a bit dark, as though he’s thinking about something painful. I remember the look on his face when I said those awful words—that he can’t book roles. Every part of me is bursting to ask him about it, but I force my mouth shut. It’s none of my business.

“Of course you’ll have success, Declan. You’re the total package. Good looks, talent, and the girls love you.”

He gives me an amused smile. “Did you just call me good-looking?”

“Of course not. I was speaking objectively.”

He laughs again. “I’m sure you were.” He winks.

I slap his shoulder again. He just chuckles.

We sit in silence, but it doesn’t make me uncomfortable this time. It’s kind of nice, sitting out here like this.

“Look.” I point at the sky. “There are so many stars.”

He leans back in his chair and gazes up. “It’s been so long since I just sat here and enjoyed the moment. I feel like I was always rushing in L.A. I can’t explain it—there’s just something serene about Edenbury.”

“I know what you mean. That’s why my mom’s family has been living here for generations, and why Willow and her boyfriend will move back here when they’re done with school. Willow was already offered a job at Easton Knight’s tech company—his dad’s the guy who created Spill It! but he runs it now—and Colt wants to be a guidance counselor at the high school.”

“Are they married or engaged?”

I shake my head. “No, but I’m sure they’ll get engaged after they’re done with school.”

“Nice.” He gazes up at the sky again. “I can stay here for hours just enjoying the view.”

And that’s what we do. But not for hours. Eventually, my friends text me, wanting to know where I am and that they’re ready to leave.

“Do you have to go?” Declan asks when I sit up.

“Yeah. My friends want to leave.”

“I can give you a lift if you want to stay longer.”

I’m about to respond, but squealing girls yelling, “We found you, Declan!” storm over and basically give me no breathing space. I can’t even see him because of the large crowd.

“I’ll see you,” I say before walking away. I’m not sure he heard me over all those voices.