“Why the tub?”
“I don’t know. It’s the first thing that popped into my head.”
He laughs. “You say the funniest things.”
My cheeks warm up. “I’m just a dork.”
“Declan!” The mob returns and latches onto him, once again tugging him away. But he grabs my hand and pulls me along with them.
I find myself back on the dance floor, but this time I’m surrounded by all of his fans. Declan doesn’t pay attention to them, just moves close to me with that charming smile of his and says, “Want to show our royal subjects how the Dorky Dance is done?”
Before I have a chance to respond, he does some of my famous silly dance moves, not caring that everyone is looking or might be recording. Tiffany’s whole face is red as she glares at me like she wants to grab my throat and choke me to death.
She may be intimidating, but watching Declan use my dance moves? It chases all of it away. With a smile, I join him and try to beat him with even dorkier moves. Some of the kids start to copy us, but most of them just stare at us like they have no idea what to make of the situation.
I’ve been to quite a few parties in my lifetime, but I’ve never had this much fun. When my eyes meet Declan’s, he winks with a large grin.
“Declan, you promised you’d dance with me,” Tiffany whines.
He stops as he turns to her. “I did? Oh, I’m sorry. I…” He glances at me.
I hold up my hand. “It’s okay. I need a break, anyway.”
He’s about to respond, but she moves way too close to him and starts dancing. Declan’s head turns in my direction, but I’m already walking away. Grabbing another Coke from the cooler, I go out through the back door and sit down on one of the chairs.
I have to remind myself not to fall for his charm. I mean, I know he’s not the jerk I thought he was, but I can’t let myself crush on him again. I don’t think I’d be able to bear more heartache. The best thing is to keep my distance from him. Which is impossible because of the play.
Some other kids are out here, too, a few of them making out while others are just goofing around. Why do I feel down? Is it because no matter how much I yearn for it, it doesn’t look like I’ll have a boyfriend anytime soon? I know it’s not the most important thing in the world, but I want it so badly.
I lift my head. Declan stands there with his hands in his pockets.
“Why are you out here all by yourself?” he asks.
“Why aren’t you dancing with Tiffany?”
“She had to leave. Something about her aunt wanting her to wake up early to train tomorrow.”
“Yeah, the cheer competition is coming up soon. Rylee and the squad are super nervous and excited for it.”
He nods as he crosses his arms over his chest and studies me.
“What?” I ask.
He tilts his head to the side, allowing his hair to fall into his eyes. “You never answered my question. Why are you out here alone?”
“Don’t you ever want to be alone?”
“Of course. But something tells me you don’t really want to be alone.”
I don’t say anything. Is it that obvious? Maybe I’m just not as good of an actor as I thought.
He gestures to the chair next to me. “Can I sit?”
“It’s a free country.”
“I’ll take that as a, ‘Yes, Declan. Please sit next to me. I love basking in your presence.’” He lowers himself in the seat.