“This is so much fun!” Declan yells over the music that has gotten louder. He does this ridiculous move that has me rolling. “I didn’t realize I’m the King of Dorky Dances.”
“Hey, you can’t steal my title!”
“Why not? You’re the Queen of Dorky Dances and I’m the king.”
“That would imply that we’re married.”
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I snap my lips shut. What did I…I mean, I didn’t…ugh, why can’t I control what comes out of my mouth?
“Don’t you want to rule by my side?” he asks as he spins around and nearly loses his balance. He laughs as he saves himself. “Am I not fit to be king?”
“You, um…”
“Declan, where did you run off to?” A large mass of girls, including Tiffany and her Nitwits, wrap their arms around Declan and haul him away. He offers me an apologetic smile.
I walk over to my friends, who are out of breath from all the dancing.
“Mia!” Rylee exclaims. “We saw you dancing with Declan.”
“Yeah…that happened.”
“Did you have fun?” Zoey asks as she links her fingers through Kade’s and jumps from right to left, matching the beat of the song.
“Yeah, it was lots of fun.”
“Why did he leave?” Mason asks.
“His fans dragged him away.”
“Oh, that sucks,” Rylee says with a frown. “Sorry.”
“No, that’s okay.” I wave my hand. “We weren’t…we weren’t anything. And his fans love him, so…I’m going to get a drink. You guys want anything?”
After they tell me they’re good, I make my way to the kitchen and rummage in the cooler for a can of Coke. Now that I’m no longer parched, I go back into the living room and watch everyone dance. I try not to sigh. Why does the Universe deny me love?
I turn around and find Declan standing before me.
“Sorry about that,” he says.
“It’s okay.” I lift my shoulders. “I know how important your fans are to you.” And it’s not like us dancing together or hanging out means anything.
He shakes his head. “It was rude of me.”
“Declan, it’s cool,” I insist. “Don’t worry about it.”
He nods, and we stand in silence again.
“You can go back to your fans,” I tell him. “Don’t keep them waiting.”
“Maybe I want to hang out with you.”
I stare at him. “Why would you want to do something like that?”
“Because you’re cool?”
“Me, cool? Did you slip in the tub and hit your head?”