The music switches to an extremely fast song, which raises the energy in the room one thousand percent. My friends and their boyfriends up their dance moves, too.
“I love this song!” I do a dorky dance, matching the beat.
Declan smiles as he watches me. “Nice! Sick moves, Park.”
“Why, thank you.” I bow and then continue my dorky dance. “Not everyone can pull this off.”
“Definitely not,” he agrees with another laugh as he starts mimicking my moves. “But you’re amazing at it.”
“Thanks. Hey, you’ve got moves, Hart.”
“Thanks. I’m nowhere at your level, though.”
“I’m the Queen of Dorky Dances.”
“For sure. Want to take it to the dance floor?”
I freeze as I stare at him. “Are you asking me to dance?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. If you want to.”
“Oh, um…”
He holds up his hands and backs away. “Never mind.” He turns to go.
“No, wait! Sorry. No one has ever asked me to dance before. I mean, one guy did once, but he was only doing that to make his ex jealous—” My eyes widen and my lips snap shut when I realize what I admitted to him. “Ugh.” I smack my forehead. “I sound like such a loser.”
“No, you’re not a loser,” he says. “That guy wasn’t worthy enough to be in the presence of the Queen of Dorky Dances.” He bows before me, stretching out his arm like a noble. “But am I worthy?”
I notice some of the kids watching us, most of them with shocked expressions—like why is Declan talking to invisible me?
“My arm kind of hurts,” he mutters.
“Oh, sorry! Yeah, let’s dance.”
He straightens up and smiles. “Cool.”
“But we need to dance our way onto the dance floor.”
“Lead the way.”
I try to come up with the dorkiest moves ever as I dance toward the dance floor, challenging him. But he manages to mimic each move perfectly.
“Are you good at everything?” I grumble.
He beams in a way that makes my heart skip a beat. “I was brought to this world as a gift.”
I burst out laughing.
“What?” He puts on a straight face. “Girls begged, and the Universe answered their prayers.” He holds out his arms wide. “Here I am, everyone.”
“Oh my gosh.” I push one of his arms down. “You’re so full of yourself.”
He winks.
Now that we’re on the dance floor, Declan and I come up with the dorkiest and insane moves we can think of. Even bringing back ancient ones they did in the olden days that no one would even attempt to do nowadays. Many kids watch us, some with expressions like they have no idea what to make of Declan dancing like a total dork.
I feel someone glaring at me. When I survey the area, I spot Tiffany Myers standing a short distance away with a murderous look in her eyes. She was talking to Declan before he came over to me. Did he…leave her to talk to me?