My eyes widen. “Are you sure? I mean, I had the lead role last semester. Shouldn’t someone else have a shot?” It’s no secret that I’ve been getting the leads since freshmen year. I think it’s important to let other students have a chance to shine.

“Mia, you’re a phenomenal actor. There’s something very special about you. I don’t say this to many students. I believe that you were meant to play this role.”

My face flushes. “Oh, wow. Thanks. Um…”

“There will be many roles for students to fill, so you don’t have to worry about other kids having a shot. A good director chooses the best role for each actor. I have a feeling this play will be one of the best ones Edenbury High has ever put on.”

She’s making me extremely intrigued. I love wowing people, and the chance to be part of a play that will go down as one of the most amazing ones in Edenbury High’s history? I need to be part of it.

“I’m in,” I tell her with a huge grin. “What’s the play about?”

She gives me a quick summary. It’s a post-apocalyptic star-crossed lovers romance. She doesn’t give me too many details because she wants me to read the script.

“Sounds really cool! And a romance is always fun—” I cut myself off when it dawns on me that if I’m the female lead and we’re putting on a romance, I’ll probably have to kiss the male lead. The last time I had to kiss another actor…ugh, gross. That’s why I was so happy last semester when the play had zero romance. But I’m sure it’ll be fine. I mean, it’s not like stupid Declan is going to be the male lead. Whoever I’ll have to kiss will definitely be a better kisser than him. Because his kiss was like the kiss of death.

Why am I even obsessing over this? I’m usually very professional when it comes to my acting. At least, I was until I had to deal with him.

“I’m having trouble finding a male lead,” Miss Lane is saying. “I’m holding auditions after school today. Stop by the auditorium after school to pick up a script. I want everyone off-book by the end of next week.”

“Sure, Miss Lane. I’ll see you then.”

“Thanks, Mia. I’m telling you, this will be the performance of a lifetime.”

When I get to English, class has already started. After telling Ally that I was talking to Miss Lane, she excuses me and tells me to take out my copy of Macbeth. And then the class flies by faster than the speed of light. Why? Because Ally’s classes are out of this world. She loves books so much and has such incredible discussions with her students. I’ve been reading my whole life, but she manages to make me see books and stories in a whole new light. She even has the power to get kids who hate to read to actually enjoy her classes. Seriously, everyone loves her. Ally Hastings, ladies and gentlemen, is a precious gift.

When English is unfortunately over, my friends and I separate to our next classes. I’m still trying to adjust to my new schedule. Sucks I don’t share any more classes with my friends.

So that little thing I hate? Math? It’s ten times worse because a cheerleader by the name of Tiffany Myers has the class, too. She’s the niece of Teagyn Myers Abberton, a woman who went to school with my mom. She used to bully her and her friends. She’s also the cheer coach, and she gave Rylee a super hard time when she tried out for the squad. One would think that a person would mature in her middle-age years, but not Coach Abberton. No, she’s the same witch she was when my mom was in high school. And she passed that on to her niece. I have no idea why Tiffany would worship her aunt like that. Even Teagyn’s daughter, Paisley, who picked on my sister and her friends, seemed to have grown a heart. But Tiffany and her aunt have no hearts.

I ignore her like I usually do and settle down in a desk toward the front of the room, away from where she sits with her band of Nitwits. I take out my phone and go online to check builds for the RPG I’m playing. I still can’t decide if I want Valarina to be a damage character or a healer. I usually pick magical damage, but maybe trying something new will be fun.

A shadow looms over me. When I lift my head, I find myself basking in Tiffany’s lovely presence. Actually, she’s glaring at me. If I were more like my sister and mom, I might make a comment, tell her to take a hike because she’s stealing my light. But the truth is, I’m not tough like them. I can’t stand up to someone like Tiffany the way they stood up to Teagyn and Paisley. I guess she’s too intimidating, especially with her band of Nitwits surrounding her. So I just focus on my phone and hope she’ll go away.

“You are such a jerk,” she seethes.

“What?” I ask.

“Why did you ask Mrs. Barlowe that question last week? The test we’re having tomorrow is because of you.”

“What are you talking about—?”

“Are you so dumb you already forgot what happened last week? Hello.” She snaps in my face. “You asked a dumb question and Mrs. Barlowe thought we were all dumb like you, and to make sure we’re up to speed, she’s giving us a test tomorrow.”

My brows lift. Is she serious right now? The test was scheduled way before I asked my question last week. And by the way, it wasn’t a dumb question. Mrs. Barlowe even told me, in front of everyone, that it was a very smart question. And that made me feel good because math isn’t my strongest subject. But trust Tiffany to twist everything around just to have an excuse to pick on me.


“You and your stupid friends walk around school like you’re the smartest people here, just like your stupid parents and stupid sisters did. But the truth? You’re all a bunch of dumb losers.”

She and her Nitwits chortle like Tiffany said the funniest thing in the world.

I want to yell at her not to call me, my friends, or our parents and sisters stupid, but my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. Maybe I’d be stronger if Rylee and Zoey were here, but since I’m alone, I feel like I’m being backed into a corner.

She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder, blue eyes sparkling with evil. “Some people were born beautiful and with brains like me, but you? You were born ugly and dumb.”

Did she just call me ugly? I don’t really care what she thinks because I know I’m not ugly—I think I’m very cute—but it still kind of stings.

I know I’ll only stammer if I try to fight back, which will make her just tease me further, so I ignore her and focus on studying the builds. Tiffany stands there for a bit, like she’s waiting for me to react. Don’t they say the person will leave you alone if you ignore them?