I chuckle. “The sword was hidden in the bushes behind an inn. Only reason I found it was because I came across a rare location spell.”
He laughs, too. Dad and I used to play together, but he doesn’t have much time nowadays. He and Mom run a few businesses together in addition to all the parties and social events they attend.
My parents leave the room and I let myself get lost in my game.
Chapter Three
My friends and I are gathered by Zoey’s locker on Monday morning, discussing the next book we want to read for book club. The Edenbury High book club has only three members—us—because no one seems to want to join. Which is fine by us because there’s no one I want to gush about books with other than my best friends. But since Rylee has cheerleading after school, we might have to continue having our meetings at lunch like we did last semester. Zoey had football—she’s the amazing quarterback for the Edenbury High Lions—and I was part of theater. I don’t think I’m going to be part of the next production because it’ll probably be a musical. I don’t have the best voice, so I’ll either sit this one out or have a minor, non-singing role. I don’t know yet. I like the idea of taking a break.
“We don’t have to have the meetings during lunch,” Rylee says. “I mean, you guys can have them after school without me.”
“You nuts?” Zoey asks. “What’s book club with one Musketeer down?”
“Agreed,” I say. “We need all our Musketeers present at book club.”
My mom and Rylee’s mom, along with their friends, started the Edenbury High book club and called themselves the Four Musketeers. My and Rylee’s sisters and their friends continued the tradition and called themselves the Junior Musketeers. And my friends and I have also kept the tradition and call ourselves the Musketeer Trio.
“Okay, thanks.” Rylee smiles. “Did we decide on a book?”
After contemplating for a short while, we choose a fantasy romance. Zoey used to be against romance because she wasn’t into them, but all that changed once she fell in love with Kade. Now all she seems to want to read is romance.
“Awesome! I’m so excited,” I say. “The blurb sounds so good.”
“Hey, Warrior Goddess,” a male voice greets.
With a huge grin, Zoey spins around and launches herself into her boyfriend’s arms. Kade’s body sags with relief as he cuddles her close to his chest and brushes his lips against her temple. The two of them have been through a lot over the last few weeks, and I’m so happy that things have worked out between them.
They remain in each other’s arms for a little bit longer before telling us they’ll see us in English and then walking away. To find an empty area to sneak in some kisses, I bet. Edenbury High doesn’t allow PDA, but I know that if I had a boyfriend, I would kiss him every chance I had. Until my lips fall off. And unlike Him Who Shall Not Be Named, my future boyfriend will be the best kisser in the entire world.
First period bell rings. Rylee and I make our way to English with Ally Hastings. She’s one of my mom’s best friends—an original Musketeer—and Zoey’s aunt. On the way, we meet Mason, who tells us the mathletes are preparing for their meet later this week. He and his friends eat, drink, breathe math. I don’t understand how anyone can love math so much. I mean, I like school in general and am a pretty good student, but math is the bane of my existence.
“Nice,” Rylee says as she squeezes his hand and then stretches her neck to kiss his cheek. “I know you guys will dominate.”
“And kick it way out of the park,” I add.
“Thanks,” he says. “I’m not super nervous, but Orlando’s struggling with trig and—”
“Mia? Mia Park!”
I turn toward the source of the voice and find the theater director, Miss Lane, headed my way.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” I tell my friends.
They wave and continue toward Ally’s class while I meet Miss Lane. “Hey, Miss Lane,” I say.
“Hi, Mia. How are you? I have to say, I’m still getting messages regarding last semester’s production. People can’t stop raving about the amazing performance, especially yours.”
Every part of me fills with elation. I worked so hard to portray my character as best as I could. Which was no easy feat because she was a pretty complex character. I struggled to find a balance to show her as a good person despite some of the bad decisions she made. I’m so thankful that the audience connected with her. Some people assume that because I have quite a few film and TV roles under my belt, I don’t get nervous or stress out about performances.
“Thanks, Miss Lane,” I say with a smile. “I’m glad I can take a break this semester and focus on other things.”
“That’s actually what I wanted to discuss with you. There’s been a change in this semester’s production and I was hoping you might consider joining us.”
“A change? What do you mean? I thought you were doing a musical.”
“Yes, that was the plan, but a senior sent me her script the other day and I immediately fell in love with it. I want to put on another play, and I would like you to star as the lead.”