I stare at him for a few seconds because he’s talking so passionately about it. I haven’t met anyone who loves games as much as me. Well, other than Colt. I almost had a crush on him when I was ten, but it was so obvious he and Willow liked each other. Even though none of them wanted to admit it. No, they were fine with just fake dating.
There’s a small smile on Declan’s face as he watches me continue to hug my mouse like it’s my child or pet. “What?” I ask. “There’s nothing wrong with appreciating something that literally fell into your hands from heaven.” I narrow my eyes. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“Make fun of you? Why would I—”
“Oh my gosh! Is that Declan Hart?”
Before we can blink, three girls surround Declan and demand selfies and autographs. He manages to toss his headset to me before it goes splat on the floor. But thankfully, the girls don’t take up too much of his time, and we go to pay for our stuff.
“Do you need to buy anything else here?” he asks after we leave the store. “Or do you want to go home?”
“I guess—”
“Declan Hart!” someone in the distance yells.
Nearly every single person in the area turns their head and gapes at Declan. Then they squeal and run over.
Declan backs away. “How do they know it’s me with my disguise?”
From the panicked look on his face, I realize that ever since he moved here, he never had such a massive crowd storm his way. It was always just medium-sized crowds at school. Well, medium-sized compared to the mob only a few feet away.
“Come.” I grab Declan’s hand and pull him away, sprinting toward the exit of the mall. But HartHeads pop up, all of them yelling and holding out their phones. I turn in the opposite direction and race toward another exit, but more HartHeads appear.
“Someone must have posted online that I was spotted,” Declan says.
The crowd is closing in on us now. Only a little bit longer before he’s surrounded and I’m tossed away like a banana peel.
“This way!” I grab his hand again and yank him into a hardware store. It’s a pretty large store, so hopefully we can lose the crowd in here. But not only do they follow us, the shoppers in the store storm after us, too. Holy crap. We’re totally done for now.
I desperately look around for something—or someone—to save us. And that’s when I notice a supply closet. “In here!” I pull him all the way there and slam the door after us, sighing in relief when I see it has a lock.
Declan and I stand in complete silence and darkness, the only sound coming from our breathing.
And the crowd outside.
“Declan! Declan Hart!”
“He’s in the closet!”
“Declan! Can I please have a selfie?”
“I love you, Declan!”
Someone bangs on the door, making me jump and knock into Declan. “Sorry!” I hiss.
“Is there a light in here? I can’t see a thing.” He reaches around, and then a light turns on above our heads. When I look around, I realize we’re surrounded by cleaning supplies.
The mob outside continues to shout and chant his name. A few people bang on the door again, making me flinch and trip over my feet.
Declan wraps his arms around me, drawing me close to his body. Like he wants to protect me? Wow, I didn’t know it would feel so good to be in his arms like this. I feel protected and warm and cozy…
What the heck is going on in my mind? And with Declan? And while I’m trapped in a supply closet?
He must realize the same thing because we both stumble away from each other.
“Are you okay?” he whispers.
“I think so. You?”