“Is your head okay?” he asks. “And your throat?”

“What? Oh, yeah, I’m good.”


We’re both quiet.

I notice some kids standing in the parking lot. Nodding to them, I say, “Aren’t you going to join them?”

“Do you want a ride to the mall or not?”


“It’s just a car ride to the mall, Mia. Why are you always making everything so difficult?”

Grabbing my backpack, I pull myself off the ground. “Fine. You can give me a ride.” I throw my backpack over my shoulder and march down the stairs and toward the parking lot.

“You’re so stubborn,” he says as he catches up to me.

“It’s in my genes.”

“If you say so.”

“Declan!” A girl rushes over. “Are you coming to Mikey’s with us?”

Declan glances at me and shakes his head. “I have other plans. Maybe next time.”

As he leads me away, I watch the girl exchange a confused glance with the group next to her.

“You should have gone with them,” I say. “I think you broke your most devoted HartHeads’ hearts.”

“They’re not my most devoted HartHeads. That would be my mom and dad. And my brother.”

Oh…that was kind of sweet.

“But you can still change your mind,” I insist. “The city bus should be arriving any minute now anyway.”

“Mia.” He sighs. “Just get in the car.”

“What car?”

“The one right in front of you.”

“Huh?” When I look around, I realize that he and I stopped before his car. “Oh.”

He’s about to open the passenger door for me, but I jog over to the back and slide in. Declan remains in his spot for a few seconds, like he wants to tell me I can sit in the front, but then he gets in the driver’s side.

Like yesterday, he puts on the top pop music and I take out my book. But despite the music, the silence between us is so darn awkward. It wasn’t a big deal yesterday because the ride wasn’t a long one, but it’s totally different now. The more time that passes, the more stifled I feel.

I’m about to say something to banish this weird feeling, but Declan gets a call.

“It’s my parents,” he says. “Do you mind if I take it?”

“Yeah, sure.”

While he talks with his parents, I busy myself with my book and texting my friends. From what I can tell, he seems to have a good relationship with his parents. They sound like they’re very supportive of him being in the play, even though they miss him like crazy.

When he hangs up, I find myself asking, “Why didn’t they move here with you?”