Lexi pushes a bright smile on her face, though her eyes are still sad. “See you all later. Come, guys.” She leads her group of friends to her locker.
Zoey sighs as she watches her leave. “I just spoke to Brock last night and the second I brought up Lexi, he shut down like usual. I seriously don’t know if they’ll ever be friends again, but I hope Lexi won’t give up. He needs her in his life, even if he doesn’t realize it.” She sighs again. “He’s so not like himself. I mean, he’s trying to be the same guy, but he’s not. Maybe she can…fix him. I don’t know.”
Rylee and I pat her shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” I tell her. “It might take some time, but you’ll get your brother back.”
Rylee nods as she wraps an arm around Zoey’s shoulder. “We’re always here for you. And for Brock.”
Zoey smiles. “Thanks, guys. You’re the bestest friends a girl can ask for. And I know that’s not a word. But enough about me. You owe us a story, Mia.”
I lift a brow. “Right, my gaming mouse. So I asked my dad if he could take me to the mall after play rehearsal so I could buy a new one and he agreed…What?”
They’re both standing there with their hands on their hips. “We meant Declan,” Rylee says. “What happened yesterday?”
“What about him?”
“What happened when you and Declan ran lines at your house!” they both shout.
I tell them how last night went, going into as much detail as possible, per their requests. When I’m done, I lift my shoulders. “And then he went home.”
“At least you guys were able to run the lines properly,” Zoey says.
“Yeah, I was worried that Miss Lane would fire you,” Rylee adds.
“Nah, she won’t. I’m too precious to her. So is Declan, unfortunately. But I don’t want to cause her any stress or worry, so I’m trying my hardest to forget about the past. At least when we’re doing the play.”
Rylee stretches her arm around my shoulder. “That’s probably best. But what are you going to do about the kiss?”
I slam my head into the locker again. “I’m trying not to think about it. I guess I’ll deal with it when the time comes.” I lift my head. “You think I can convince Miss Lane to take the kiss scene out of the script?”
Zoey and Rylee exchange a glance. “Definitely not,” Zoey says with a laugh. “I think the audience will be salivating for that kiss. I mean, what’s better than star-crossed lovers who are desperate to be together?”
I scowl. “I liked you better when you were anti-romance,” I joke.
“Who’s anti-romance?” Kade asks as he and Mason come to stand next to us. Kade encloses Zoey in his arms and presses his cheek to hers. “Missed you.”
“Missed you more.”
Mason holds Rylee close as he glances from his girlfriend to me and Zoey. “What were you guys talking about?”
I roll my eyes. “Declan, who else? We’re discussing the dreaded kiss scene.”
Kade nods. “So you’re anti-romance?”
“In this sense, yes. I’m anti the kiss scene.” I sigh heavily. “But I’m not stupid and I know it’s an integral part of the play. But I’m trying really hard not to think about it. Can we please talk about something else?”
Rylee opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, there’s a commotion at the entrance of school. Mr. Charming has arrived with his fans.
“Speak of the devil,” I mumble. “Look at him basking in all that glory.”
As I watch him smile and interact with the students, I notice he doesn’t seem cocky and showy. He’s genuinely trying to give each fan his undivided attention. I think back to last night, how much in awe he was of my dad. He wasn’t a pompous jerk who thought the world revolved around him. He was pretty…normal.
But whatever. I still don’t like him.
As he’s laughing with the kids, brushing his fingers through his hair, his gaze locks onto mine. We must stare at each other for quite some time before the bell rings, pulling me out of whatever trance he put me in. Darn it. First the kids at school, then the teachers, then WillowBot, my parents…and he thinks he can charm me, too?