“Fine.” I turn to go.

He grabs the second strap of my backpack, yanking me back. “And stay out of my love life, okay?”

I roll my eyes. “Got it.”

He releases the strap and I make my way to my room. Before I leave, though, I twist around and find my brother staring at the mostly-empty container of food, his thoughts seeming to be anywhere but this room.

Chapter Sixteen


As soon as I meet my friends at Zoey’s locker on Thursday morning, I slam my head on the door of the locker next to hers. “My life is over.”

“What happened?” Rylee asks.

My face still pressed to the locker, I mumble, “My mouse died this morning.”

“Your mouse?” Zoey says.

“My gaming mouse.”

“Oh. So just buy a new one.”

I lift my head to look at them. “I was in the middle of a quest and it died. I was this close to finally killing the boss. I was up late last night trying to defeat it, but I had to go to bed. I figured I’d squeeze in some gaming before school this morning and I almost killed him.” I groan. “Then my mouse died and he killed me. Ugh!” I slam my face into the locker again. “Now I have to start all over again.”

“Forget the mouse,” Rylee says. “Tell us how it went with Declan yesterday.”

“Declan? Oh, him. Yeah, was fine. My poor mouse. I’ve had it for years and I don’t think they make that particular brand anymore.”

“Mia, forget the mouse,” Zoey says. “Did you and Declan work things out or did you want to kill each other?”

I pull my face off the locker. “Why are we talking about Declan when I have a gaming emergency?”

“Because we want to know—”

“Hey, guys!”

We turn around and find Lexi West standing there with a group of guys surrounding her. Lexi is the sister of Willow’s friend’s boyfriend. She’s a freshman and we’ve known her for years. Her friends are all guys and they’re always following her around. None of them are her boyfriend, though.

“Hey Lexi, how’s it going?” I ask. “Is your second semester easier than your first?”

She shrugs. “It’s okay. Classes are tough sometimes and the teachers give so much homework. But I just got a new keychain.” She shows us the small humpback whale that’s attached to her backpack. “I saw it in the window of the store across the street from Mikey’s Diner and had to get it.”

“It’s cute,” we say.

Lexi smiles. “I love it. So what’s it like to have a boyfriend, Zoey and Rylee? Is it as amazing as everyone says?”

Zoey’s eyes wander until they settle on Kade, who’s talking to Ally down the hallway. Mason’s chatting with his mathlete teammates. “It’s more than amazing. It’s something I can’t even describe. It’s like you’re always floating in the air, like you’re in a bubble that never pops. And when you kiss, it’s like…” She shakes her head. “I’m talking too much.”

Ugh. So jealous that she and Rylee had good first kisses while mine was so blah. But I keep telling myself that my special guy will come soon and my kisses will be out of this world. Ha, take that, Declan Hart.

Lexi’s face shines with excitement and hope. But then her face falls as she glances at Zoey. She doesn’t say anything to her, but we all know what she’s thinking about—Brock. He’s Zoey’s younger brother, also fourteen, and he and Lexi used to be best friends. I always thought they’d end up together, but Brock experienced a tragedy two years ago and is now living with his grandparents in Boston. Lexi and the rest of their friends keep trying to contact him, but he refuses to talk to them.

A few weeks ago, Lexi sent Brock a letter with Zoey when she went to Boston to visit her brother and grandparents. Brock has yet to respond to her.

I think Lexi doesn’t bother asking Zoey about Brock because she figures if he wanted to contact her, he would. And I’m pretty sure she has given up asking Zoey all the time how Brock is doing or if he’s ready to come home.

Zoey gives Lexi a sad smile, but neither of them says anything.