I push my fingers through my hair. “She called you?”
“She was worried about you. Told me you and Mia were having problems today. But I informed her that you went to her house and she was hopeful that you guys worked things out. Did you?”
I puff up my cheeks as I plop down on the chair across from him. “We got through the scenes, so I guess so.”
He places his hand on my arm. “You need to get over your grudge.”
“It’s not me. I was perfectly fine with putting it all behind me, but Mia’s been impossible since the first day. She looks at me like I murdered her dog or something.”
Chase frowns. “Why would she hate you if she was asked to return for the sequel and you weren’t?”
I shrug.
“Did you do anything to her? Upset her?”
“Of course not. I was always nice to her on set. I mean, she was Mia Park, someone who was at a much higher level than me. I wanted to get friendly with her, but she was so great while I was just some puny new actor. So of course she wouldn’t give someone like me the time of day. But she was still nice and very professional. I thought she’d be professional during play rehearsal, too, but I don’t know. She barely looked at me yesterday and she kept yelling at me today. Fine, I hit her with the ball, but I told her it was an accident.” I shrug. “But I think we kind of worked through things today. All that matters is the play and putting on a good show. All the drama that goes along with isn’t important.”
He nods slowly as he thinks over my words. “This means a lot to Tori and the school and the students, so please don’t make a scene.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just hard when my costar hates me.”
He takes another bite of his food. “That’s life, Deck. You’ll always have to deal with people who don’t like you.”
I frown. Other than Mia, no one has ever hated me in my life. What in the world did I do to her? I mean, I guess we’re both still not over the kiss. Mia probably hates looking at me because it reminds her of how terrible it was. But she was asked to return for the sequel and I wasn’t…
Sighing, I bend forward. I really need to let go of the past and just…tolerate working on the play with her.
“Thanks for the chat, Chase,” I tell him as I reach for my discarded backpack. Before I get up, I look at him again. “Speaking of Tori…how’s it going?”
He stops eating, his fork frozen in the air. “What are you talking about?”
I give him an exasperated look. “Seriously, man?”
He rolls his eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you we’re just friends?”
“You think she called you just to discuss me? It was an excuse.”
He’s quiet as he stares at the spot in front of him. Then he shakes his head. “Of course it was because of you. Like I said, she was worried about you.”
“Pretty sure I was an excuse.”
“Don’t you have homework?”
I clutch my backpack straps. “You can try to kick me out as much as you want, but the truth is still the truth—you want to get back together with her.” I stand. “And maybe she wants to get back together with you.”
He waves his hand. “She doesn’t. While we were talking on the phone, someone rang her doorbell and I heard a guy’s voice.” He lifts a brow. “That would be a boyfriend, don’t you think?”
“You don’t know that.”
“Geez, Deck.”
“Does she post pics of him online?”
“I don’t stalk her.”
“Uh huh.”
He shoos me with his hand. “Go away and do your homework.”