“We’re doing a play together, WillowBot,” I say. “Remember?”
“I often remind you that you do not need to remind me of any fact, Mia, for all information is stored in my system and I cannot forget anything, unless I am malfunctioning. You did not inform me that you and this individual that you do not like are working on a project together.”
“I didn’t? I guess I didn’t think it was that important.”
Declan frowns at me. Then he lowers himself to WillowBot’s level and smiles. “You don’t have to worry—I’m not going to hurt Mia. I think she’s a phenomenal actor and I’m excited to do the play with her. You’re really cool, WillowBot. You’re so high-functioning and adaptable, and you look so human-like. Talking to you almost feels like I’m talking to a real person. Willow’s so talented.”
“Yes, she is.” WillowBot pauses as she studies him. “Flattery does not work on a robot, but I accept it nonetheless. Thank you.”
Wait a sec—did my sister’s robot just fall for Declan’s charm?
She rolls toward the door with my shirt. “I shall place this in the charity bin and I will prepare a snack for you and for your friend.”
“He’s not my friend…”
She leaves my room.
I sigh as I drop down on my bed. “Don’t get excited about the snack. She only believes in eating healthy since apparently I have bad eating habits. She’ll return with fruit and nuts. What I would kill for some potato chips…”
Declan remains at my desk with an unsure expression on his face, eyes darting to the space next to me on my bed. But then he reaches for my desk chair and rolls it over to me, plopping down on it. He rummages in his bag for his script. “I’m almost off-book, but I want to check some of my lines…”
We’re bathed in silence as he does that.
He clears his throat, turning a page.
I tap my shoe on the floor.
He shifts in his seat as he mutters some of the lines under his breath.
I tuck my hands under my thighs.
WillowBot returns with two plates, both filled to the brim with fruit and nuts, but this time, she actually put a piece of chocolate on each plate.
I lift a brow. “What’s the occasion?”
“You have a guest.” She places my plate next to me on my bed, then wheels herself to Declan. “I am not certain what kind of fruit you like, therefore, I have provided you with a variety. And since the two of you are working extremely hard on the play, I have provided you with a special treat.”
I just gawk at her. Is she seriously rewarding Declan for…what, exactly?
“I can’t believe this,” I hiss at him as she rolls away to continue working on my closet.
“What?” he asks, popping a grape into his mouth.
“You charmed my robot.”
“I didn’t charm anyone.”
I hold out my hands. “WillowBot doesn’t like anyone but my family and friends. She’s wary of new people because she’s overprotective of me. But it seems like she really likes you.”
He gives me a cocky grin. “Can you blame her?”
“Uh, yes. She’s a robot. No emotions? No feelings?”
He just shrugs, still with that cocky smile.
“You better not charm my entire house,” I mutter.
“Your entire house?”