I beam. “Right? My sister Willow and her boyfriend Colt helped me build it. Willow is a genius with tech and Colt is an avid gamer. They helped me put together this sick baby.” I rub the tower with love in my eyes. “Ain’t she a beauty?”

“She’s gorgeous.” He starts gushing over the parts, marveling at how sophisticated it is and he also loves the lights. And he’s impressed with my gaming keyboard and mouse. “Your gear is on a whole other level. I would love to play on this one day.”

“Yeah, there’s nothing like it. Playing Chronicles of the Eternals on the highest graphic settings feels like you’re actually in the game. It’s such an experience.”

“I’ll bet,” he mutters as he stares at the PC with longing in his eyes.

It dawns on me that Declan and I…are we actually getting along? I didn’t realize we have so much in common. I never pegged Declan for a gamer. He just doesn’t seem the type, but I’m not one to put anyone in a box. It’s really cool that he games.

But for us to bond over something we both love instead of wanting to tear each other’s throats out…it’s an odd feeling, that’s for sure.

He must feel it, too, because he clears his throat and steps away from my PC. And then we stand there in the most awkward silence ever.

A sound to my left catches my attention. When I turn there, I find WillowBot rolling out of my closet.

“WillowBot?” I ask.

“What in the…?” Declan takes her in with humongous eyes.

“What are you doing in my closet, WillowBot?” I ask.

“You left the door open before you went to school,” she explains as she rolls away with a folded shirt in her arms. “I decided it was the perfect opportunity to organize your closet.”

“You what?” I dash to my closet. Did she mess everything up? Will I have to spend the whole night putting everything back to where it belongs? But upon inspection, I realize that she actually put all my stuff in a neat and orderly manner. Some of my clothes are even color-coordinated.

I turn around and give her a thankful smile. “Thanks, WillowBot. This is really neat.”

“You really have bad habits, Mia.” She raises the folded shirt in her arms. “Per my calculations, you have worn this shirt once the entire last year. Would you like to give this one to charity?”

“Is that a robot?” Declan asks, staring at WillowBot like she’s some alien from another planet.

“Yeah. My sister built her when she was in eighth grade—about nine years ago.”

WillowBot turns her head in his direction. “Unknown human. Identify yourself.”

With even bigger eyes than before, Declan steps back. “What?”

“Just say who you are,” I explain. “Name, age, where you live. Don’t worry, my sister removed the safety protocols. She won’t try to attack you.”

He gapes at me. “What?”

“Identify yourself, human,” WillowBot orders.

“Uh…I’m Declan Hart. Age sixteen. Originally from Alabama but now I live in L.A. Well, currently, I’m living in Edenbury.”

WillowBot’s eyes turn blue as she verifies his info online. “Declan Hart. Actor. Had a minor role in Somebody Called for the Doctor? Had a main role in Who Killed Maribel? And then he starred opposite Mia Park in The Beat of My Heart.” She focuses her attention on me. “This is the young man you had an issue with on the set of—”

“WillowBot!” I hiss.

“You are not a fan of Declan Hart, Mia.” She rolls over to Declan and raises herself an inch, looking into his eyes. “What are your intentions with Mia Park?”


“My intentions?”

“You are here in her room while her parents are not home. What are your plans?”

“Uh…I’m here to run lines with her.”