Declan watches me for a few seconds before shaking his head and walking out the door.
“And maybe don’t try to decapitate anyone next time!” I call after him. “Unbelievable,” I mutter. “Is my cheek okay, Nurse Sonya? It felt like it got skinned.”
“It looks okay, just a bit red. But I want to make sure you didn’t receive a head injury.” As she examines me, she laughs softly. “I’m guessing you’re not a fan of Declan Hart?”
“What gave it away?” I mutter.
“I’m shocked. I’d think any girl here would kill to have Declan escort her to the nurse.”
“After he tried to behead me during dodgeball?”
“Mia, you’re exaggerating. I’m sure it was an accident.”
Accident, my foot. How does someone accidentally throw a ball at someone? I was so obviously Declan’s target. He wanted to take me out.
“Coach Barrington should put an end to dodgeball, don’t you think?” I ask. “It’s a dangerous sport.”
“Hmm…I can’t say I get many dodgeball-related injuries.”
“But it can be dangerous, right?”
“Even walking in the hallway could be dangerous, Mia. But we don’t ban students from walking there.”
I sigh heavily.
Nurse Sonya laughs. “It can’t be that bad. I always loved PE when I was in school.” She puts down her stuff and smiles. “Looks like you’re okay. Your head may hurt for a bit, but it’ll go away soon, and the redness should subside as well. You can go back to class.”
“Oh, the horror! Can’t I stay here for the remainder of class? Pretty please? It’ll make my head hurt less.”
“All right,” she says. “You can lie on the cot, but if another student needs it, you’ll have to leave.”
“No problem.” I hop onto the cot and sigh happily. But then I frown when Declan’s face pops into my head.
What a jerk.
Chapter Thirteen
We’re redoing the scene from yesterday at play rehearsal today. Mia and I walk onto the stage, not looking at each other. I can feel so much animosity from her. Sheesh. What did I even do to her? I told her hitting her with that ball was an accident. Does she seriously think I want her replaced as Scarlett? Despite what happened between us this summer, there’s no one else at this school more qualified to play the role.
How much longer can I endure this negative attitude from her?
Tori, who’s sitting in the front row in the audience, glances from me to Mia as we face each other.
“Everything okay?” Her gaze is on Mia, even though she’s asking both of us.
Mia presses her lips together and nods. I force a smile and tilt my head.
“All right. Let’s begin with the scene after William locates Scarlett behind the bushes.”
Mia heads to the side of the stage and pretends to crouch behind the bushes. I inch closer to her and find her there.
Mia backs away from me before I even have the chance to get close to her.
“Mia, why are you backing away?” Tori asks.
“He’s too close,” she mutters.