“No one’s taking any videos, dude. You can stop pretending like you care about anyone but yourself.”

“Do you honestly think I give a crap about videos—”

I ignore him because we’ve reached Nurse Sonya’s office and I stride inside. I assume Declan will leave, but he follows me inside.

“Dude,” I say.

“Don’t ‘dude’ me.”

“I’ll ‘dude’ you if I want to ‘dude’ you.”

He opens his mouth to retort, but Nurse Sonya comes out from the other room. “What is the shouting?” She notices me clutching my face and walks over. “Are you hurt, Mia?”

“He wanted to decapitate me.” I point my finger at Declan.

“I did not.”

Nurse Sonya glances at Declan for a second, but then she does a double take and stares at him, her eyes growing a little wide. “Oh, Declan. H-hello.”

Is she stuttering?

“I didn’t think I’d see you in my office,” she continues. “Are you also hurt?”

Didn’t I just tell her that he wanted to kill me?

“No, I’m okay,” he assures her. “I was just escorting Mia here.”

Nurse Sonya looks at him like she’s smitten. Oh, great. Is she also a HartHead? She’s pretty young, so I guess she could be a fan.

“It’s so nice of you to escort Mia here,” Nurse Sonya continues.

Declan pushes his hands into his jeans pockets. “Just wanted to make sure she got here safe and sound.”

Nurse Sonya smiles. “That was very thoughtful.”

“Coach Barrington made him do it,” I burst her bubble.

“I would have offered anyway,” Declan says.

“Sure you would have.” I roll my eyes. “Um, Nurse Sonya…?”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry!” She focuses on me, gently lowering my hand from my face.

“Why are you still here?” I nearly bark at Declan.

“I want to make sure I didn’t hurt you.”

“You did hurt me. Nurse Sonya, I don’t want him here.”

“I’m not doing anything wrong! Is it a crime to want to make sure you’re okay?”

“If it’s Declan Hart? Yes.”

“It might be best for you to head back to class, Declan,” Nurse Sonya tells him. “Mia is safe in my hands.”

He remains planted in his spot, uncertain eyes traveling from me, to Nurse Sonya, then to my injured cheek.

“Do you have a problem understanding simple English?” I demand.