Ugh. Why am I an actor?

“My video got a million views because of you!” a girl gushes to Declan as she holds out her phone.

I thought we’re not supposed to have phones during class.

“Which video was it?” Declan peers at her phone and smiles as he watches it. “Nice. Although, I don’t know how my leaving school is interesting.”

At once, they start telling him in detail why it’s very much interesting. The way he walks is sexy and the beanie he wore that day made him look really cute, and he was telling the girl taking the video how he’s not the best at school but is so far doing great in his classes. And he appreciates all the help he’s received from his fellow students.

I turn away from the spectacle and review my lines in my head. Just to make sure I have them down because Miss Lane wants us off-book.

Why is Brayden taking so long? Wait, is PE canceled? That would be like a kiss from the Universe.

But no. He walks into the gym with a red ball tucked under his arm. My eyes widen in horror. Don’t tell me…

“Good afternoon, students!” His voice booms throughout the gym. “Sorry I’m a little late. We’re playing dodgeball today, so get into position.”

No way. No freakin’ way. I narrow my eyes at him. He purposely did this because of what I said yesterday—I know he did. Because it’s his job to torture me. When he notices me glaring at him, he chuckles and nods for me to join my classmates for the game.

“I’m telling Kara on you,” I mutter as I pass him. “No more chocolate chip cookies for you.”

He just chuckles again and blows his whistle. And so begins the worst torture of my life. The best strategy is for me to get out as fast as possible so I can end this misery, but Brayden has scolded me in the past for not putting in any effort. I honestly don’t care if I flunk PE because I don’t plan on going to college—I want to focus on my acting career—but the thing about having a genius for a mom is that she’ll murder me if I don’t try to do well in school. And considering two of her friends are my teachers, I can’t exactly get away with whatever I want.

“Mia, don’t just stand there!” Brayden calls.

With a scowl, I try to participate, but some of the guys—and girls, too—throw such strong balls that I literally feel them swoosh through the air. I mean, sheesh, do they really want to knock out other students? There are other ways to release their stress.

“Nice, Declan!” Brayden calls.

I didn’t know Declan is good at sports. Well, I don’t really know much about him. I admit I Googled the heck out of him after I started crushing on him, but I couldn’t find a lot of personal information. And of course I totally froze when he and I were face-to-face off camera, so it wasn’t like I could ask him about himself.

Glancing at the clock, I see we still have half an hour to class. When will this torture end?

To pretend I’m anywhere but here, I focus on Scarlett and imagine how I’ll play her in different scenes. I love how brave she is, and I really want to portray that side of her. But I also love how gentle she can be at times. Like, there’s a scene where a little orphan girl gets lost in the complex underground world, and Scarlett helps her find her way home. Before she hands her over to her guardian, she offers her the small piece of candy she received earlier that day. Candy is scarce in their world, so it’s a big deal when someone gets some. She made that little girl’s day—


Something slams into my face, sending me hurling through the air. I barely have a chance to brace myself before I crash down to the floor with a loud thud.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry!”

With my cheek on fire, I roll over and find Declan racing over to me. He drops down on his knees and touches my arm. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hit your face.”

Rubbing my cheek, I glare at him. “So your intention was to throw your murderous ball at my heart? Or maybe you wanted to amputate my arm or leg?”

His eyes widen. “What? No, I—”

“Mia?” Brayden hurries over and gets down on his knees, too. “Are you all right?”

“My skin is scraped off,” I say as I cover my cheek.

“Let me see.” He gently lowers my hand.

“It’s peeled off, isn’t it?” I ask.

Declan moves closer to get a look at my cheek, and he seems guilty. But I know it’s for his benefit and not mine. It wouldn’t look good for his image to damage another student.

“No, your cheek is fully intact,” Brayden assures me. “But it’s pretty red. I think you should see the nurse.”