“We keep each other sane,” Rylee says with a laugh.
Zoey joins in, too. “For sure.”
“Ugh, I wish I could hug you guys.”
“Me, too,” Rylee says. “You always give the best hugs, Mia.”
“Virtual hugs!” I say, and then we all do it.
“Now, all is right in the world,” Zoey says. “Well, all is right in Edenbury High.”
“We’ll see,” I say. “There’s still the…the…” I pucker my lips and kiss the air, since I don’t want to say the word.
“That’s right!” Zoey chuckles. “How could I forget?”
“Just pretend you’re kissing your Prince Charming,” Rylee suggests.
“You can’t say that!”
“Why not?”
“Because in my head, Declan is Mr. Charming. So you basically just told me to imagine kissing Declan.”
“Oh, whoops!”
“Pretend you’re kissing your perfect guy,” Zoey says. “That one amazing guy who will sweep you off your feet and make you feel like the most special person on the planet.”
“Wow, Zoey,” I say. “I never expected those words to come out of your mouth. Falling in love really did change you.”
She beams. “It definitely did. For the better.”
“Well, I’m not really thinking about the…” I pucker my lips again. “Because it’ll just cause me anxiety. I’ll worry about it when I’m forced to.”
“At least you guys can have a few practices before the actual show,” Rylee says. “You know, to get it right.”
I gasp. “You serious, Rylee? Do I look like I want to kiss Declan multiple times? I’d rather jump off a plane and land in a tar pit, then get sucked inside and suffocate to death.”
Zoey and Rylee gawk at me, then burst into giggles. After a few seconds, I giggle along with them.
“Mia, you’re so funny,” Zoey says. “I so wish I could be there when you guys kiss.”
“Just make sure there are no props around,” I mutter.
And that has us rolling again.
At least I can make fun of myself. That’s a good sign, right? Maybe it won’t be long before I’m totally over what happened, too.
Chapter Twelve
PE class. Also known as the worst subject of my life.
I would try to come up with an excuse to get out of it, but Brayden has heard every trick in the book. Unless you’re puking your guts out or have a cast, you’re pretty much out of luck. Which is why I do nothing but grumble as I follow my classmates to the gym.
There’s a crowd inside because Declan has this class with me. I swear he has like almost every class with me. Doesn’t the Universe get that I’d like to keep my interaction with him to a minimum? I still have no idea how I’m going to kiss him, and seeing him in the center of the crowd with those lips that look so kissable, but in reality…