“Right. I just need to grab my textbook real quick.” I fumble to get my locker open, feeling the disappointment emanating from her.
Once my book is in my hand, I give her a smile and head to English. Class has already started and Mrs. Hastings stops talking when I walk into the room.
“Sorry for being late,” I tell her. “Was talking to VP Rivera.”
“That’s all right. Please take your seat.”
I can feel all eyes on me as I make my way to the back of the room and sit down. Some kids don’t take their gazes off me even when we’re deep into the lesson. The class is very interesting. I’ve never been into books and barely read anything, but I’m totally engrossed in what Mrs. Hastings is saying. I’ve never had a teacher who loves what she’s teaching as much as she does. And I’m not the only one. Every single kid in here has their attention on the teacher. No one’s secretly texting under their desk or spacing out or whispering to their neighbor.
As I continue glancing around the room, I stop when I catch Mia watching me. Then she turns her head, focusing on Mrs. Hastings. Why does she keep looking at me? Is she upset I’m starring opposite her? Does she have the power to get me fired from this play as well?
Shaking those thoughts away, I tell myself not to be a jerk. As hurt as I am for what she did, I need to move on or I’ll ruin the play.
It’s become so important to me. Maybe because I don’t have anything else going on. Maybe because I miss theater. Whatever the case, I’m not going to mess it up.
The day passes uneventfully. Kids talk to me between classes, I sit at Tiffany’s table like I did yesterday, Mia and I barely look at each other, and I manage to answer a question correctly during an oral quiz in history class.
Now it’s the end of the day and time for play rehearsal. The kids escort me to the auditorium, where I thank them and slip inside. Many kids are already here and I take my seat in the front row as we wait for the others to get here.
Mia hasn’t arrived yet. I spend my time chatting with the other students, but at the back of my mind, I can’t help feeling that they only like Celebrity Declan and not Normal Declan. That’s okay, I guess. This is my life now. Assuming my career isn’t over.
Mia and a few others walk in, taking seats in the row behind me. Mia plops down, grabbing a book from her backpack. It’s not the book we’re reading for English. Hmm. I didn’t know she likes to read, but I don’t really know anything about her.
“Good afternoon, kids!” Tori greets as she enters the room. “How are we all doing today?”
Everyone tells her they’re excited for rehearsal, which causes her face to brighten. I feel bad that she never made it as an actor, but I’m glad she’s doing something she loves now.
“I’m so happy to hear that. Kids, I feel like this play is going to be something out of this world. But we need lots and lots of practice, so please make sure to be off-book by the end of the week. And please come on time.” She says the last part to two kids who have just snuck in. Then she smiles at everyone. “Okay, let’s start. We have William unable to stop thinking about the mysterious female. Who was she? Why did she come to The World Above? And he finds himself returning to the spot where he found her, only to find that she’s not there. He then goes again and again that day, but nothing. Then he wonders to himself what’s wrong with him. And he talks to his friend Antony about it. So can I have Declan and Tyler up here?”
Tyler and I walk up to the stage with our scripts and we rehearse the scene. I ask him about The Underground, but he doesn’t know much about it.
“Why are you asking all these questions?” he demands. “You know you can be thrown into prison or executed for that!”
After their conversation, the scene is over.
“Good job, everyone. Please sit down, Declan and Tyler. Next, we have Scarlett returning to the spot as well. But both parties come at different times and keep missing each other. Scarlett talks to her friend, Elle. Mia and Gianna, please take your positions.”
Mia and I pass each other as she climbs on the stage and I get off. We glance at each other before she tears her gaze away.
She and Gianna play out the scene, and like Antony, Elle wonders why Scarlett is suddenly asking her those questions. But Scarlett doesn’t dare tell her friend the truth. She could be arrested or executed as well.
“Great job, girls. Gianna, return to your seat and Declan, please join Mia on stage for the next scene. Scarlett and William both sneak out that night and finally meet each other again.”
I get on the stage and Mia and I face each other. Her eyes are pasted on her script and she’s keeping quite a distance between us. Hmm…I thought she knew Act One by heart.
“All right. Scarlett is at the spot, hiding behind the bushes, looking around and thinking about the mysterious male. William pushes through the bushes and finds her there. Declan, please begin.”
I move closer to Mia, moving my hands apart to pretend I’m pushing the bushes out of the way. I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes widening as I spot Mia standing there. My hand springs to my holster where my gun is, but I don’t pull it out. I just place my hand over it.
“You,” I say, keeping my tone stern and wary because she bit me the last time. “Female, explain yourself.”
She shakes her head like she doesn’t understand what’s going on inside her. “I…I don’t…” Mia barely mutters the words, keeping her gaze on her script instead of on me.
“Mia, louder, please. And look at Declan.”
She slowly lifts her gaze. Then she looks at her script again as she repeats the words louder.
I lunge at her, grabbing her by her neck and backing her into a tree. “Why have you come to The World Above?” I grit out.