He gets a faraway look in his eyes as he smiles. Maybe he’s thinking about when they were together. “She was the same in high school. She was always the star in productions. Always had such a bright smile on her face when she was on stage. She came alive, you know.”
I smile, too. “I feel the same when I’m on stage. But what happened to her? Last I heard, she left Alabama, but I don’t know anything after that.”
He sighs as he nods. “She tried to make it on Broadway, but it didn’t work out. She also tried many small theaters, and while she starred in a few, she never seemed to make it. Which sucks because she’s very talented. But it’s a very competitive industry. After she couldn’t book jobs, she heard about an opening for a theater director at Edenbury High and took the job. She told me it’s the best job she’s ever had.”
“That’s great. Think she has a boyfriend?”
He rolls his eyes at me in exasperation. “Are you suddenly a matchmaker or something?”
I chuckle. “No. I just want to see you happy, that’s all. You haven’t had a girlfriend since…well, since Tori.”
“I’ve had girlfriends.”
“Not serious ones. You’re still in love with her.”
His cheeks are a bit red. “Shouldn’t you go to school?”
I glance at the time. “Got a few minutes. I’m just saying that if you want to try again with her, you should go for it. Seize the moment and all that. What do you have to lose, anyway?” I hold out my hands. “But it’s not my business.”
He doesn’t say anything as he thinks over my words.
I finish my cereal and wash out my bowl, leaving him to continue scrolling through his tablet. After grabbing my stuff and wishing him a good day, I get in my car and drive to school.
My phone beeps, Spill It! telling me I’ve been tagged in quite a few posts. Many kids have posted photos or videos of me yesterday and it looks like they’re still coming. But they’ve been told not to mention what school I’m at in order to keep me and the rest of the students safe.
I reach the building and pull into a spot. As soon as I get out of the car, there’s a group of kids waiting for me.
I smile, greet them, take selfies, and sign autographs, just like I did yesterday. More kids join us as we enter the building, but for the most part it’s pretty tame. No one is shouting, except for a few girls asking to hold my backpack or my books. I reassure them that I’m good. I’d never ask anyone to carry my stuff for me.
As I walk down the hallway to my locker, with kids surrounding me, I pass Mia and her friends who are gathered at one of their lockers. Mia turns her head and our gazes connect. We didn’t say anything to each other after we rehearsed the scene yesterday, but I think we both felt how amazing that scene was. She, as usual, was so talented. She can capture an audience in a way I’ve never seen before. Her being so good helps me strive to do my best as well. I’m really looking forward to rehearsal today. Even though it still hurts that she got me fired from the sequel, I’m focusing on our task to put on the most spectacular play that’s ever been performed.
“Declan?” A hand latches onto my arm, tearing my gaze away from Mia. Tiffany stands there, a group of cheerleaders behind her who are trying to push through the crowd of students.
“Hey,” I say with a smile. “How are you doing this fine morning?”
She throws her hands up. “My aunt was a little tough with the squad yesterday because we kept messing up, but it’s all good.”
I want to get to my locker, but the crowd is blocking it. Tiffany talks about other topics and I find my eyes wandering to Mia. And I don’t know why. She’s my enemy, but she’s also my co-star. I know I said I’ll be professional and focus on the show, but it’s hard when all I’m thinking about is that I’ll have to kiss her. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it before. Obviously this is a romance and in a romance, the two leads kiss. Meaning she and I will have to kiss. Again. Will the entire thing get messed up? We nearly ruined the movie because of that kiss. I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize the play.
“Hello?” Tiffany snaps her fingers in my face. “Where did you go?”
I blink and tilt my head to the side, letting my hair fall into my eyes. “Was thinking about something.”
The bell rings, but most of the kids surrounding me don’t move. They’re still taking photos and posting online.
“You heard the bell, students,” VP Rivera calls as she marches down the hallway. “Get to class.”
She pushes through the throng of students, trying to reach me. “Mr. Hart,” she calls, but her voice is drowned out.
“I think we should all go to class,” I tell the students with my Declan smile. “We’ll talk later.”
Slowly, the kids start to disperse. VP Rivera steps closer to me. “While I enjoy seeing the students happy to have their favorite celebrity here, I’m afraid this cannot go on. When the bell rings, you must get to class. Tardiness is not accepted here at Edenbury High.”
I nod quickly. “Of course. I’m sorry, Vice Principal Rivera. It won’t happen again.”
She eyes me. “Please go to class.”