“The kiss was always the excuse,” I admit. “The truth is, I was hurt by Declan. I thought he was a really nice guy. Even though we didn’t talk much outside of on set because I turned into a Mia Popsicle, he was always so kind to me. So I allowed my crush on him to grow bigger. And then I found out he’s not a sweet guy but a total jerk.” I raise my head and wipe away the tears. “It was my first crush, guys. I guess I didn’t know how to deal with it. I also didn’t know how I was going to film the sequel with him. But luckily, he wasn’t asked to return for it. The producers probably saw how uncomfortable I was with him and that we had zero chemistry, and they decided they would hire someone else for a new love interest. That’s like the only good thing that came out of it. Well, other than the movie doing well.” I lower my head. “I feel so pathetic. Like oh my gosh, Mia, just get over it.”
“No, however you feel is fine,” Rylee says as she hugs me. “Declan is a jerk for making fun of you like that. It was your first kiss and he should have been more sensitive.”
“Yeah, what’s with the bro club?” Zoey scowls. “The fact that they didn’t ask you to hang out with them is pretty jerkish.”
“Yeah, what losers,” Rylee says.
I look from one to the other. “You don’t think I’m pathetic that I’m still hurt after so many months?”
“Of course not,” Zoey says. “Mia, you can never be pathetic. You’re awesome.”
“Don’t let anyone else make you feel otherwise,” Rylee adds.
With fresh tears gushing down my cheeks, I gather them both in my arms. “Thanks, guys. I really needed this.”
“Of course!”
“What would I do without you?”
After remaining in each other’s arms for a short while, I finish my quest and then we settle on Rylee’s bed for the movie. I feel so much better now that I finally spoke about it instead of keeping it inside. Hopefully now I’ll be able to put this behind me and continue on with my life.
Chapter Ten
“Morning,” I greet my brother as I enter the kitchen of our apartment. He’s at the table, sipping coffee as he scrolls through his tablet.
“Morning,” he returns with a smile, gesturing to the cereal and milk on the table. Neither of us cooks much, so breakfast is pretty much the same every morning since we moved here two days ago.
I settle down across from him and pour the cereal and milk into my bowl. It’s so quiet just the two of us. I’m used to having Mom and Dad around. I video chatted with them last night and told them about my first day. They’re so happy and excited that play rehearsal went well and that I’m really looking forward to bringing the story to life. I’ve read most of it, but haven’t had a chance to memorize my lines. I’m sure I’ll be off-book soon, though.
“So what’s up?” Chase asks, lifting his eyes from his tablet. “You’re kind of quiet.”
I shrug. “Feels weird without Mom and Dad around.”
He nods. “You get used to it after a little while. When I left for college and lived in my dorm room, alone, I felt so out of place. Besides…” He grins. “The freedom is awesome.”
I chuckle. “Can’t have that much freedom with my older brother watching my every move,” I joke.
He scoffs. “I could be worse.”
I wave my hand. “Kidding. You’re great. Not overbearing or controlling like my former manager.” I make a face. “Thanks for being there for me. I don’t know if I’ve ever said that to you.”
He ruffles my hair, something he did when we were younger. “You don’t have to thank me. You know I’d do anything for you.”
I smile. “How are things going with Tori?”
He blanches. “What are you talking about?”
“Come on, man. We both know the only reason you’re here is because of her.”
“What are you talking about? I’m here because of you and the play.”
I give him a look. “Mom or Dad could have stayed here with me. You’re here because you miss Tori and want to get back together with her.”
He focuses on his tablet. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“She looks really good, by the way. Happy to be doing her thing. She loves theater.”