Tyler raises a brow. “Down there?”
“You know, down there. Where the females are.”
“The females?” Tyler says the word like it’s poison. “You know they’re the enemy.”
“I know, but…” Declan sighs, causing some of his dark hair to blow away. “My grandad knew something about them. He heard stories from his grandad, before The Fall. Do you know they used to live with them?”
Tyler gapes at him. “They lived with…with females?”
Declan nods. “Grandad said life was better then.” His whole face changes as a pained scowl takes over. “He was killed for asking questions.” His free hand fists at his side. “I was only nine when he was murdered, but I remember him like I just spoke to him yesterday.”
The entire auditorium is dead silent. Every single person gapes at Declan with a look of wonder and awe. I have to say…Declan is a great actor—I realized that on the first day of The Beat of My Heart—but he’s phenomenal on stage. The way he was able to suck his audience into the scene, and the emotions behind his words and expressions…My gosh, I almost felt like it was real.
Miss Lane starts to clap, causing everyone else to clap as well. And I do, too, because I always feel that a person should be praised for a job well done, even if I happen to hate his guts.
Declan blinks, as though he forgot for a second where he is. Like he himself was sucked into the scene. Then he laughs and waves his hand. “Thanks, but it was nothing. I was just reading the script.”
“If you’re this good just reading from the script, imagine how incredible you’ll be once you’re actually performing.” Miss Lane looks like she wants to dance around the stage. I have to admit…if Declan will perform this well throughout the entire play, it really will be an amazing production.
Gianna leans closer to me. “I think I just fell in love.”
“Take a number,” I whisper back, which has her chuckling. “Not me!” I quickly explain, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. “I meant everyone else. In here and out there, but not me because I hate him. Well, hate is a strong word and I don’t really like using it, but in this case…”
“What?” she asks, leaning closer to me again. “I didn’t hear what you said.”
“Never mind,” I mumble.
“Mia?” Miss Lane calls.
“What?” I sit up sharply. “I wasn’t talking about anyone in particular!”
“Excuse me?” she asks, blinking in confusion.
I look around and find everyone staring at me. “Um, what?” I ask, sinking a little in my seat.
“I want you and Declan to perform Act One, Scene Six. Can you please join him on stage?”
“Oh. Sure.” I get up and walk on the stage. I know Act One by heart, so I don’t need to take my script with me.
“And we’ll need Jessica who will play the bear that wants to attack Scarlett.”
Jessica, a freshman, leaps onto the stage with a huge smile. I love when freshmen are involved in the plays. They’re so cute with how eager they are.
Declan and I face each other. This is the closest I’ve been to him since we did The Beat of My Heart together. It’s bringing me back to that time and leaving a sour taste in my mouth.
From Declan’s expression, he doesn’t seem too happy to be here with me, either.
“Why am I getting a feeling of deja vu?” Miss Lane wonders. “Oh, that’s right! You guys did a movie together, didn’t you? I completely forgot about that. How lovely.”
Lovely? Is she aware of the fact that he and I had NO chemistry and experienced the worst kiss in the history of worst kisses?
But actually no. As far as the audience is concerned, our kiss was fine. Only he and I, and my family and friends—and whoever he told—know how awful the kiss was. But I definitely don’t want anyone to suspect anything, so I put on the most pleasant expression that I can. Declan wears a neutral look.
“Just a quick backstory for those who haven’t read through the script yet,” Miss Lane says. “Scarlett has been curious about The World Above her whole life. But women are forbidden to leave The Underground. Yet, Scarlett manages to sneak out and explores The World Above for a short while before ultimately getting caught by William. Some key things to remember, guys: Scarlett has never seen a male before and William has never seen a female before. William has weapons while Scarlett is unarmed. William wears pants, something Scarlett has never seen before, and Scarlett wears a simple dress, something William has never seen before. Ready? Crouch on the floor, Mia. This scene starts right after Scarlett finds a berry bush. She’s seen berries before, but she’s never seen a real bush.”
“Got it,” I say as I get down on the floor. Imagining a berry bush, I lean forward and start examining it, touching the area where the berry meets the bush.
“Cue the bear,” Miss Lane says.