“Oh. Of course.”

She and the others talk about different topics as we eat our food. It’s really delicious. One of the things I loved most about my old school was the lunch. I don’t know what it is about school lunch. Some schools have bad lunches, but mine were very tasty.

As Tiffany talks about something cheerleading related, my gaze wanders around the cafeteria. Most of the kids are chatting among themselves while some look at me like my eating is the most interesting thing in the world. A few are snapping pictures.

Mia’s table comes into my line of vision and I take a few moments to watch her. She’s laughing at something one of the guys—a long-haired one—says. Hmm. If she’s the famous Mia Park, why is she sitting at a corner table, with only a few people? Why doesn’t she have a crowd surrounding her? Why does it seem like Tiffany is the most popular girl at school while Mia is a nobody? No one is taking pictures of her. No one, other than her friends, is talking to her. It actually looks like her fellow students ignore her.

“So, Declan.” Tiffany pulls me away from my thoughts. “What movies do you have lined up?”

The others bend forward, eager to hear the scoop. I haven’t announced anything, so everyone is very curious.

“Uh…” I play around with my rice, suddenly not hungry anymore. “I have many projects lined up, but I can’t talk about them.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, hating that I have to lie. But if the truth came out, I’d be a huge joke.

The kids are a bit loud, but they’re nice to me and everyone wants to talk to me. One guy, a basketball player, narrows his eyes as he points his fork at me.

“What happened with The Beat of My Heart? They don’t want you back for the sequel or something?”

Tiffany pouts. “It’s such a shame. You were amazing as Turner.”

I force a smile, ignoring the stab in my heart. “Thank you. I was honored and grateful to star in The Beat of My Heart.”

“Why don’t they want you back?” the same guy asks.

I hold up my hands. “They decided not to hire me.”

“That’s so dumb,” Tiffany says.

I shrug. “I think they want to go in a different direction.”

I’m not sure if they’ll give Mia’s character a new love interest or maybe they won’t give her a romance storyline. It’s not really my business. I’m trying to move on.

“Thanks for all your support,” I tell them with a smile.

As we continue eating and chatting, I look at Mia’s table again. One of her friends must tell her that I’m watching her because she nods in my direction. Mia turns around and our gazes connect. It only lasts for about thirty seconds before she whips around and says something to her friends. They glance at me, then away.

I finish my food in silence, nodding when Tiffany or someone else says something to me. I’m trying to concentrate, but I’m thinking about my lack of jobs. I tell myself to focus on the positive. I’m here to star in the school play. That’s what’s important right now.

Chapter Eight


“Wish me luck,” I tell my friends before we separate after school. I have my first play rehearsal with my lovely new costar, and I’d rather walk on hot coal. Rylee has cheer practice—the squad has a competition coming up in a few weeks, and they’ve been working really hard—and Zoey and Kade are going to volunteer at her mom’s charity organization. Bailey started it with Easton Knight Jr. It helps girls get into sports, since many drop it as they grow older. Bailey dealt with a lot of crap from her team when she was QB because they didn’t want to play with a girl. Luckily, Zoey didn’t have to deal with that.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for the first time in my life, I’m dreading an acting job,” I say as we stop before the girls’ locker room.

“Maybe Declan will use his charm to put you under his spell,” Rylee says with a laugh. “Soon you’ll be eating out of the palm of his hand!”

Zoey laughs, too, but I just stand there with a major scowl on my face.

Rylee wraps her arm around me. “You’ll survive. It can’t be worse than the first time, could it?”

I don’t know if she’s referring to the kiss or working with him in general, but my answer is the same to both: it will suck.

Zoey closes me in her arms. “Maybe it won’t be as bad as you think. I mean, it’s great that Miss Lane found the perfect male lead, right? Now you can put on the performance of your life.”

“I guess…though I still have no idea how he ended up at our school. Who drops whatever they’re doing to attend a new school just for a play?”

Zoey and Rylee exchange a shrug.