I really hope this is the only class I have with him. Because goodness knows, I’ll be spending too much time with him at play rehearsals and I don’t want to interact with him any more than I need to.

Chapter Seven


I’m probably one of the only kids who’d admit that he missed going to public school. Ever since I was discovered three years ago and started online school, I felt like I was missing something. I didn’t realize until today what it was. And I’m not talking about the schoolwork—I’m talking about the students. I miss the way everyone gathers in the hallways to chat with friends between classes, or how they rush to where they need to go. I remember what it felt like to space out during the lesson only to feel so embarrassed and awkward when the teacher calls on you to answer a question.

Now I’m in biology class and am very into the lesson, which is odd for me because I’m not good at school. But there’s something about suffering along with my fellow classmates. My new classmates.

When Tori asked me if I was interested in auditioning for the part of William in The World Above, I was intrigued and I recorded myself saying a few lines from the play. She called back less than ten minutes later, telling me I got the part, if I wanted it. But I was hesitant. It’s been a while since I performed on a stage and knew I was rusty. But honestly? I’ve missed theater. Playing in movies is great, but my first love has always been theater. Not musical theater—I can’t sing for the life of me. But on a stage. I think I like the rush, the surprises, the excitement. Because it’s live, there could be mistakes or accidents, but the best part? Feeding off the audience’s energy. You know you’re doing a good job if the crowd is cheering, clapping, gasping, laughing.

So I accepted. It’s not like I have any future projects, and Mom and Dad told me it might be good for me to get away for a bit. A change of scenery might be exactly what I need right now. And maybe once the play is over, I’ll get back into the swing of things and will book jobs.

I’ll be attending Edenbury High School until the semester is over. Tori took care of everything—from getting us an apartment in Edenbury and helping me enroll in the school. Chase and I moved here while Mom and Dad stayed behind. They wanted to move with us as well, but I convinced them not to. Their lives are in L.A. and they don’t have anything here. I doubt they’d be happy.

Chase doesn’t have much here, either—except for a certain ex of his. He won’t admit it, but it’s obvious he’s looking to reconnect with Tori.

School has been okay so far. For the most part, the kids are treating me normally—as normal as one would treat a celebrity, I guess. They crowd around me and want to take selfies and ask for autographs, but they’re not too overbearing. I’m grateful the school is making sure to give me as much of a normal stay as possible.

During the biology lesson, my eyes wander around the classroom. Some kids’ gazes flick to me every so often. A few smile or wave when our eyes connect. I nod back with a smile. My fans are very important and special to me and I want to make them happy. I think that’s what I love most about acting—the fans.

When I first started acting, I liked the attention. For a guy from a small town in Alabama, I was a nobody. A tiny speck on the planet. But now most teens know my name and I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with the fame and attention.

Sometimes, I feel inadequate. Like I shouldn’t be where I am. I shouldn’t have made my family uproot their lives just so I could follow my dream. Other times, like when I watch the excited expressions on my fans’ faces and hear how much my movies have changed their lives, I know that all the sacrifices my family and I have made are worth it.

I really hope things will get back to normal soon and my family won’t be disappointed in me. Logically, I know they’d never be because they love me, but my heart has a hard time believing it.

As my eyes continue roaming around the classroom, they settle on Mia. She’s at the other end of the room, writing down what the teacher is saying. She looks calmer than she was after the assembly, where she demanded to know what I’m doing at her school. And then she asked me if I’m here because I can’t get any roles. I’m not sure if she wanted to hurt me or if she meant it as a joke, but it really struck hard. For a second, I forgot about all that and was focused on having a pleasant time at this school. And then the reality hit me like a brick. I’ve tried to push it out of my head, but it keeps creeping in.

Why is she so cold to me? I haven’t done anything to her, never hurt her. I mean, things went south between us after the kiss, but I was trying to make the best of the situation by being as normal around her as I could.

But she put up this wall. I know we both felt really awkward after the incident, but as professionals, I thought we’d handle it the best way possible. But she was so cold and distant and treated me like I had a disease.

It’s not like the kiss was my fault. We both sucked at it. And then she had the producers not ask me to return for the sequel. So really, it’s me who should be holding a grudge against her, not the other way around.

Maybe it’s best we just stay out of each other’s way…though that’ll be really challenging because she’s starring as the female lead. We’ll have to spend lots and lots of time together.

I’m not looking forward to that, but this play is important to Tori and the school and I don’t want to let them down. And anyway, it’ll be a great distraction for me.

We’ll need to somehow get through it.

If I had known Mia attended this school, would I have accepted Tori’s offer? I’m not sure. She looked really desperate and told me she was having a hard time finding the perfect guy to play William. I wouldn’t want to leave her hanging, but at the same time, I don’t know if I can work with Mia again.

Looks like I’ll be doing that now…

Mia’s eyes snap to mine and I quickly avert my gaze. When I look at her again, she’s focused on her notes. But then her eyes once again move to me and stay there for a bit. I can’t read what’s inside them.

When I was chosen to star opposite her in The Beat of My Heart, I was very excited. I was always in awe of her and was looking forward to working on the project together. She was Asher Park’s daughter, but more than that, she was making a name for herself. She was very inspiring for an unknown actor like me. I knew that forming a connection with her would help my career. Maybe help me shoot to the top.

But then the incident happened and now it looks like my career might be heading down the toilet.

Mia looks away from me and I glance at the front of the room, trying to listen to the teacher. But it’s hard when all I think about is what happened during The Beat of My Heart and afterward.

How in the world are we going to do a play together if we can barely look at each other?

The bell rings and everyone shoots to their feet. It’s lunch time now, which I’m glad about because my stomach has been growling all day. I didn’t eat much this morning because I was a little anxious to start at a new school. But the kids are nice and great and I know I’ll enjoy my time here.

Though play rehearsal is another whole story.