Why does it feel so good to kiss this guy?


“Ugh,” I mutter against his lips. “Can’t wait until we’re living on our own in L.A.”

Declan laughs. “Yeah, but we’re not on our own yet and the last thing I want to do is tick off your parents.” Taking my hand, he leads me to the car, where Mom and Dad are making out.

“Seriously?” I demand.

Dad gives me an innocent look. “What?”

I roll my eyes and pull Declan into the car with me.

Chapter Thirty-Six


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Tonight is the opening night of The World Above.

The place is in chaos, Miss Lane throwing instructions at different people, the costume department making last-minute changes, the makeup people making sure everyone looks perfect.

But it’s all worth it. Everything we’ve worked for the past few weeks has led up to this moment and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s different from my other performances. Maybe because this play is amazing, or maybe—definitely—it’s because my awesome boyfriend is starring opposite me.

I have some time before it starts and peek into the audience. Everyone I love is here—my parents and grandparents, the Four Musketeers, their husbands, Bailey, Zane, Zoey, Rylee, Kade, and Mason. Chase and Declan’s parents are here, too. They flew in from L.A. yesterday and Declan and I spent the day with them. They’re really nice people and I loved getting to know them. Declan called me last night after they dropped me off at my house and told me his mom is obsessed with me. Which is a big deal because I want his parents to love me, same way my parents love him.

There are many other people from town here as well, people I’ve known since childhood. Everyone looks so excited to be here. Lexi and her mom have come as well. The auditorium is packed.

“Excuse me? Have you seen my beautiful girlfriend?” a voice says from behind me.

Whirling around, my eyes nearly pop out of my sockets when I take in the delicious specimen of guy standing before me. Declan is dressed in a soldier’s uniform and looks so freakin’ good.

I fling my arms around my boyfriend. “Declan! You look amazing.”

Chuckling, he brushes his fingers through his hair. “I think it’s the wig.”

Pulling back, I smile at him. “No wonder Scarlett will fall madly in love with you. I mean, just look at you.”

He frowns. “You should be worried. She might steal me from you.”

I sigh deeply. “I’ve barely had him and now I’m losing him.”

He pulls me close, whispering in my ear, “I’ll never let you go, Mia Park. I’m not complete without you. I know it’s not healthy to say that, but it’s true. I’m empty without you.”

I pull him into my arms again. “I feel the exact same way. I’d kiss the crap out of you, but we might ruin our makeup.”

“Aw, but we’ll save the epic kiss for the audience.” He draws back and gives me the warmest smile. “You’re so beautiful, Mia.”

I roll my eyes as I tug on my plain brown dress. “I look like I haven’t bathed in months.”

“Doesn’t matter. You’ll always be beautiful to me, no matter what you wear, my wonderful Mia.”

Darn this makeup. I want to kiss him.

“You’re awesome,” I say.

“No, you are.”

We can argue back and forth, but we don’t really have time for that. I can hear the audience talking from behind the curtain. They’re getting a little too impatient, but I understand why. Everyone is expecting this play to be a hit, and I know Declan and I and the rest of the cast and crew will deliver.