“Dad, I have a boyfriend now,” I say. “Time for the little bird to fly the nest and learn about the world.”
Dad gets to his feet and pulls me into his arms. “I know. I was just kidding. Of course I want you to be happy.” He widens his arms to include Declan in the hug. “You’ve chosen a very sweet and kind young man. Welcome to our crazy family, Declan.”
Declan smiles. “Thank you for accepting me.”
Mom joins our hug. “Of course. You’re a very special person, Declan, and we know you’ll make our Mia very happy.”
Normally, I’d think it’s weird that they’re talking to Declan as if we’re getting married or something, but I don’t really care. Because Chase and Tori aren’t the only ones written in the stars. Declan and I are written in the stars, too. Just like Rylee and Mason and Zoey and Kade. We might only be in high school, but like our moms and our sisters, we met our soulmates and we all know we’ll have our happily ever afters, too.
“Okay, time to go or we’ll be late,” Mom says.
We get in the car and head toward the hall hosting the concert. The rest of the Four Musketeers and their husbands, and Bailey and Zane, will be there. The Junior Musketeers can’t make it because they’re busy with school, but they’ll be here for Lily and Xavier’s engagement party in a few weeks. It’s still crazy to think they’ll be getting married soon. I’m so, so happy for them.
We reach the hall and get out of the car. Many people are heading inside, while there are quite a lot standing outside, hoping to snag some tickets.
After our tickets are checked, we head in and meet up with the rest of the Musketeers. Rylee, Zoey, Mason, and Kade are standing near their parents and wave when they see us. My parents, Declan, and I make our way over to the group.
“This is so exciting!” Rylee says. “It’s been forever since we heard Noah and Evie live. It’s going to be epic.”
“Are you nervous?” Mom asks Ally, who’s grabbing onto Zack like her life depends on it. Kara’s arms are wrapped around Brayden. And Dani and Easton are shaking hands with some prominent people in town. Bailey and Zane are also in each other’s arms and look very excited.
“Yeah, a little,” Ally says. “I always get nervous for the kids when they perform. I don’t know why.”
Zack rests his head against hers. “Because they’re our babies and we don’t want them to get hurt. Even though they’re adults, we’ll always worry about them.” He kisses her forehead. “But us being nervous will just make them nervous, so let’s be excited.”
Ally nods with a smile. “I’ll try.”
Since it’s a little hectic before the performance, only the parents are allowed to see the band before the show. The rest of us will have a chance to see them backstage after the show. Kara, Brayden, Ally, and Zack go backstage while the rest of us find a spot in the hall.
The place is crazy packed. Wow. So many people have come to support Perfectly Messy. And to hear their awesome music and songs.
We chat about different things as we wait for the opening band to perform. It’s a small band that’s making a name for itself. Their music is great and I see lots of potential.
“Feeling better?” Zack asks his wife as he and the others join us.
Ally nods. “Much better. They’re so excited, it’s adorable.”
Tears flash in Kara’s eyes. “I’m so proud of them.”
“Me, too.” Brayden wraps an arm around her. “Our kids are amazing.”
“And Lily and Xavier will be getting married soon,” Ally says, her voice choking up. “I’m so happy Spencer will see Xavier happy and settled down.”
Zack nods as he presses his forehead to hers.
I notice Declan watching the Musketeers chatting and laughing and reminiscing about the good old days when they were in high school.
“Yeah, we’re a crazy bunch,” I tell him with a laugh.
He smiles. “I love that you have this extended family. A family not tied by blood, but something so much more.”
I slide my hand into his. “And you’ll be part of it,” I tell him. “Because you, Mr. Charming, aren’t going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life.”
He smiles again. “The only person I want to be stuck with is you.” He bends forward and places a sweet kiss on my lips.
My feet go so weak, I nearly melt into a puddle. He may have a million HartHeads, but this awesome, amazing guy is all mine.
The band finishes their last song and it’s time for Perfectly Messy to come on stage. Everyone cheers and claps as Evie, dressed in a blue dress that reaches just above her knees, and boots, walks onto the stage, followed by her husband, Noah, who’s wearing matching clothes and shoes, his guitar slung over his shoulder. The rest of the band is right behind them.