“Copycat,” I joke.

“You’re the copycat,” he jokes back.

“You guys are perfectly in sync,” Miss Lane says with another smile. “I knew I made the right decision to have you audition, Declan.”

“You sure did,” I say, throwing Declan a sweet smile.

He returns it.

“Well, we should get going,” Declan says, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. “Mia and I have a date with Queenie and Minnie.”

“What?” Miss Lane asks.

“He just means we’re going to get our game on!” I do a happy dance at the prospect of spending the whole evening gaming with Declan.

“You kids have fun,” she wishes.

As Declan and I leave the auditorium and head to the exit of the school, I say, “I’m so happy they’re hitting it off. Miss Lane is glowing even more than before. She looks like a woman in love.”

Declan’s smile is so soft and sweet, it makes him look even more handsome. “I know. Chase walks around like he’s in a love daze. And he’s singing in the shower. He has such a terrible voice.”

We both giggle.

“He’s so happy.” Declan slides his hand into mine. “Thanks so much for helping bring them together, Mia.”

“You don’t have to keep thanking me.”


“Declan! Can I have your autograph?”

He has no choice but to step away from me and tend to his fans. I guess I’ll have to get used to this. At least I get him all to myself when we’re not at school.

“Sorry about that,” he says, reaching for my hand again and leading me to his car.

“That’s okay. It’s part of the job. And they’re all going to pee themselves when you announce you’re going to be in the sequel. So be thee warned.”

He chuckles. “Yeah. Thanks for being so understanding, Mia.”

We get in the car and drive to my house. Instead of listening to music, Declan asks me to give him a quick summary of the book my Musketeers and I are reading for book club.

“Thanks so much for taking an interest in something I love so much,” I tell him. “You’re so sweet.”

“I might not like to read that much, but I love hearing you gush about books. Your whole face lights up and you look so beautiful.”

My face heats up so fast and so strong, I think it might actually catch fire.

“You get the same way when you’re excited about an acting project or when you talk about your favorite games or stuffed animals. And of course when you talk about your friends.” He pauses at a red light and offers me a warm smile. “I love how passionate you are.”

“Thanks. I love how passionate you are, too. And so considerate and kind and selfless…”


“I’m not done.”

I continue to list all his attributes, which makes him list more of mine, and soon we find ourselves outside my house.

“The ride was too short,” I complain. “I’m not done praising you.”