I swear I can hear a symphony playing in the background and fireworks. I didn’t feel any of those things when he and I kissed for the movie or play rehearsal, but dang do I hear them now. And strongly. It feels like the wind surrounds us and lifts us toward the sky, leaving us up there to float around with the clouds. Where everything is perfect.

“Thank you, Mia,” he breathes as he presses his cheek to mine, his chest heaving and matching mine. “I don’t think it was your fault that I wasn’t asked to do the sequel, but thanks so much for doing this for me. And thank your dad, too.”

“Of course.” I cup his cheek and stare into his beautiful eyes. “You’re so talented and amazing and you deserve it. And once you knock this role out of the park, doors will fly open for you. No, people will be banging on your door, demanding you star in their movies and TV shows. Soon, you’ll have so much on your plate that you’ll curse Mia Park for doing this to you.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I would never curse Mia Park. Only bless her.”

With a smile, I close my hand around the back of his neck and draw his lips back to mine, showing this amazing guy what he means to me. This kiss is more urgent and passionate, and we press ourselves so close to each other that we basically become one person. My gosh, every kiss we share gets better and better. If we keep this up, I might have a hard time keeping my lips off his.

“I can’t believe I thought you were a bad kisser,” I say with a laugh between kisses. “Your lips are like a Greek god’s.” My eyes widen as my cheeks grow warm. “Please say I didn’t just say that out loud.”

With a chuckle, he backs me to a wall and presses his lips to mine. Oh, wow. Mmm. Now he’s really getting into it. I feel so numb and like my heart has skyrocketed out of my chest. If I were to die right now, I’d die a happy girl.

“What is the meaning of this?!” someone yells.

Declan and I repel from each other. When I glance at the door, I see Vice Principal Rivera standing there with a furious expression. The door is wide open and a few kids are peeking inside. Some look beyond shocked to see Declan in here.

“You know the rules regarding public display of affection!” VP Rivera scolds. “And alone in a classroom? That will be automatic detention for the both of you for a whole month. Starting today.”

Wait, what? A whole month of detention? What about rehearsal? Geez, we were just kissing.

Declan’s face is pale. Like he’s never had detention before and is super freaked out about what it entails.

“But Vice Principal Rivera, Declan and I were rehearsing a scene for the play.”

Her eyes move from me to him, then back to me. “The play?”

“Yeah, you know the theater department is putting on a play called The World Above this semester? It was written by a very talented senior and is a love story.” I gesture between Declan and me. “We’re both playing the leads and were practicing the epic kiss scene.” I laugh like I’m embarrassed. “We’re kind of having trouble with it.”

She once again looks between me and Declan, her face growing a little uneasy. Then she nods. “I understand. I apologize for the misunderstanding. But I’m sure there are other public spaces you can go to practice the scene. I don’t want to catch you alone in a classroom again.” She spins on her heels and walks out.

Declan releases a heavy sigh and rests his hand on the wall. A soft laugh seeps out of him, and then it grows stronger and stronger, until it’s a full-blown belly laugh. I join in the laughter as well, clutching my side that’s starting to hurt.

When his laughs die down, he spurts, “I can’t believe that just happened.” He folds me in his arms and stares into my eyes, so many emotions flashing in his. “Mia Park, you are a genius. Just like your mother and sister.”

Warmth enters my chest and spreads to every part of my body. Even though I know I shouldn’t because we managed to escape this by the skin of our teeth, I grab him by the shirt and cover his lips with mine.


“Excellent, rehearsal, everyone!” Miss Lane calls with a wide smile. “Declan and Mia? You two were sensational. Keep it up.”

He and I share a look and a smile. Our chemistry was off the charts this afternoon. It might have to do with the fact that we can’t seem to get enough of each other…and I don’t just mean kissing. I want to spend every second learning more about him, understanding that wonderful brain of his, and learning what lies in his humongous kind heart.

After packing our stuff, we stop by Miss Lane and I ask, “How’s it going with Chase?”

Her cheeks turn pink. “I shouldn’t discuss my love life with my students.”

“Aw, come on, Miss Lane! Declan and I are so invested in your relationship. You’re going to leave your matchmakers hanging like this?”

Declan and I already know how Chase feels—like he’s living on Planet Love. But we have no idea how Miss Lane feels.

“Oh, all right.” She looks around to make sure no students are here before leaning forward. “Things are going very well with Chase. We have a date planned for tomorrow.”

“Yay!” I do a happy dance, and Declan joins in.

Miss Lane, with her cheeks still pink, laughs. “Thanks for all your help. Now, I’m very proud of your progress on the play, kids. I have to admit, there were times I worried we wouldn’t get past a few bumps in the road, but from the way things look now? I’d say we’re very much in store for a knock-out performance.”

Declan and I stretch out our arms and do an exaggerated bow.