“Did you hear me, Declan? They want to hire you.”

“But why? What changed?”

“I have no idea, but I think it’s best we don’t question it. Are you interested?”

I look at Chase, who gives me an encouraging smile and he nods a million times.

I frown. “But why would they suddenly change their minds?”

“Perhaps they realized your character was needed? Whatever the case, are you interested?”

“Yeah. Of course I’m interested.”

“Good. We’ll go over the details later. But congratulations!”

I smile. “Thanks.”

We end the call and I look at my brother. “This doesn’t make sense. They didn’t want me to return and now all of a sudden they do? I don’t get it.”

He sits down on my bed. “These things happen sometimes. Or maybe you’re just lucky.”

“Or maybe someone had something to do with it.” Someone who knows I haven’t been getting jobs. Someone who feels bad that they were asked to come back and I wasn’t.

“What are you talking about—?” Chase starts.

I leap to my feet. “I need to get to school.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


My friends and I are gathered at Rylee’s locker on Monday morning, still gushing about the masquerade ball. The events of that wonderful night haven’t left my mind once, and every time I see Declan’s face before my eyes, every part of me fills with warmth and my heart hammers all over my body.

“It was so romantic how Declan approached you,” Rylee says. “Your whole dancing was romantic.”

Butterflies attack my stomach. “He’s so romantic,” I say in a dreamy tone.

“So I guess you guys are talking again?” Zoey jokes.

I playfully slap her shoulder. Then I laugh sheepishly. “After my talk with Declan at the ball, I realized something.”

“What’s that?” Rylee asks.

“All that happened between us, all of the drama, it was all because of me.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Mia,” Zoey says.

I shake my head. “But it was my fault. I made up all these things in my head that weren’t true. I assumed Declan was being a jerk when he didn’t invite me to hang out with him and the other guys on set, but that wasn’t the case. He wanted to invite me, but I was so nervous around him that I froze, and he mistook that for coldness and indifference. He actually…” I sigh happily just thinking about it. “He actually thought so highly of me. Thought I was a really good actor and looked up to me. So he was a little disappointed when he thought I didn’t care for him.”

“That’s a bummer,” Zoey says.

“Yeah, and I also put in my head that he and the guys made fun of me after the kiss scene, which we know wasn’t the case, either.” I hang my head. “I blow everything out of proportion and turn everything into such a drama.”

“You do,” Rylee teases with a smile as she stretches her arm around me. “But that’s what makes you you and we love that.”

“Agreed one hundred percent.” Zoey closes her arms around both of us. “At least you and Declan are friends now. More than friends,” she corrects.

My cheeks heat up. “I…I’m kind of crazy about him.”